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You might have high-functioning anxiety if you engage in these 7 behaviors

by | Jul 25, 2023 | Lifestyle | 0 comments

Anxiety affects people in different ways. Sometimes daily routine is compromised, and sometimes the back of the mind keeps on flashing worries related to relationships, money, health, etc. Over some time, people inculcate many habits of which they are also unaware and can be signs of high-functioning anxiety. For example, a few people bite their nails, unwind locks of hair, and swing their legs while sitting, which they also don’t realize but are unknowingly experiencing.

Now what is high-functioning anxiety? It’s a psychological term used by people who experience more than moderate levels of anxiety symptoms. Few Psychologists suggest that just because a person is functioning and has achieved success while experiencing a high level of anxiety, it’s still not a healthy state of living.

In this blog, we will discuss some of the common disorders that can be considered signs and symptoms of high-functioning anxiety attacks.

  1. Lack of sleep

Sometimes the racing of thoughts—how it will be done, what will happen if things don’t go according to plan, how long I have to wait when days will change, etc.—are the thoughts that keep on crowding and ultimately exhaust our mental, emotional, and physical strength. The most common disorder associated with anxiety attacks is insomnia. Hence, lack of sleep leads to performance inadequacy, which in turn leads to a more toxic cycle of over-anxiety.

  1. Perfectionists

Usually, people with high levels of anxiety are often observed finding minute errors in their work and are prone to becoming perfectionists. Though it is considered the best quality, in the limitless mode it turns out to be toxic. One cannot forgive easily for their mistake and keeps on releasing frustration through verbal abuse, and this whole scenic memory keeps on revolving in the mind, which is also called obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and leads to unusual habits. For instance, one keeps on cleaning, dusting, and repeating already-finished tasks.

  1. Mentally Busy

One cannot relax and experiences frequent tiredness, both mentally and physically. The brain doesn’t shut off and continuously focuses on giving an effort. To make it more clear, if you have been in a relationship for 3 years and suddenly your partner breaks up with some silly excuses, you keep analyzing what can be done to resolve issues. Sometimes you even forget what makes you happy, or even the original you are lost somewhere in achieving that goal.

  1. Emotionless

People with chronic distress often become emotionless toward others’ pain. It refers to a behaviour that makes one numb from experiencing emotional hurt. To explain, a person with a high level of anxiety is so engrossed in their issues that the outside world becomes indifferent. While crossing a road, suddenly someone or even a dog is involved in an accident. Normal people will help with first aid, medical treatment, or even call someone for help. But people with high levels of anxiety don’t react that instantly because, for them, their pain is too intense to feel others’ pain.

  1. Focus on Control

On the one hand, anxiety makes one feel helpless and out of control; high-functioning anxiety, on the other hand, engages in habits where one has power. The common symptom may be overstretching with diet, gyming, following routines by hook or crook, and sometimes achieving career goals.

  1. Push yourself to your limits

People with the trait of being overambitious and high achievers suffer from high-functioning anxiety. They usually seek acceptance from others; their image and validation from society and their loved ones matter a lot. They are hard on themselves, having difficulty showing themselves self-compassion and often criticizing themselves for what they didn’t do.

  1. Plan Everything

Some people with symptoms may find it difficult to go with the flow and accept destiny. You may also plan in ways that go beyond being proactive. This leads to wasted time and high levels of stress. For example, taking appointments, over-thinking the situation, and following steps before being instructed are common behaviours observed by people with symptoms of high-functioning anxiety attacks.

If you are suffering from one or more symptoms of high anxiety attacks, don’t worry! Some common basic solutions are to meditate, relax your mind and body, read positive books such as biopics, or autobiographies, take a vacation, or even just enjoy the present by idly sitting and doing nothing. One common practice that you can even try is giving counselling sessions to others. While doing so, you will reiterate to yourself what is best for you.


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