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When the Worst Nightmare Becomes True: Find Out How Israel Responded To The Attacks By Hamas On The Gaza Strip

by | Oct 10, 2023 | World News | 0 comments

I used to be a very naïve person who thought that world peace would continue to remain forever. I was the kind of person who used to think that organizations like the United Nations would not let another massive man-made destruction happen after World War II and the Vietnam War. I used to think that humans are sane enough to not go to war anymore and also end wars quickly even if they break out. But I guess I was wrong. The ongoing clash between Russia and Ukraine and the most recent attack on the Gaza Strip by the terrorist group known as Hamas exactly proves this fact. I am also sure that I was wrong about humans being sane and moral keeping in mind the atrocities that are being committed by Hamas in that region especially because the war has broken out after the Russia-Ukraine war and the Afghan takeover by the Taliban, both of which have shown evil reigning over everyone and everything and making the world hopeless. Now, joining this game of revenge, I have heard that Israel has retaliated against the attacks by Hamas by bombarding the entire Gaza region. I am seriously worried as to what direction this war will take since many other nations have started siding with Israel and Hamas. So, this vicious circle of attacking and counter-attacking has made me even more worrisome.


‘A Punch for a Punch’: Learn How Israel Retaliated Against the Hamas

I already knew that Hamas had launched a sudden attack on the Gaza Strip particularly against the Israelis living there. The recent atrocities committed by this terrorist group against the common Israeli people are not anything worth forgiveness. However, what Israel did in response also resulted in the deaths of the innocent. On 9th October 2023, Israeli forces bombarded the entire Gaza Strip in an attempt to kill the Hamas terrorists. The Israeli forces bombed the streets and residential buildings which resulted in the deaths of many civilians. Many reports have stated that innocent Palestinians have died due to the attack although the exact numbers of the deaths are yet to be published. The bombings happened right after Israel announced that no basic amenities such as food, fuel, or electricity would be given to people in the Gaza Strip. Such an action has been heavily criticized by most nations including the United States of America who have identified it as a war crime.

The Israeli Prime Minister Mr. Benjamin Netanyahu had already stated two days before the attack that the main goal of Israel now is to cleanse Gaza of all militants and regain control over the region while also taking revenge on Hamas. However, I do not know what sort of cleansing the Israeli forces are doing in this case. It’s because, as of now, no major terrorist has been reported to be dead. The only people who have been reported to have died in the bombings are innocent people who have nothing to do with whatever political ambitions Israel or Hamas have in their minds. Only four terrorists have been killed due to the bombings but they are from the ‘Hezbollah’ group. I feel that the presence of ‘Hezbollah terrorists indicates that the war is going to take a turn for the worse.

I know that such a reaction from the Israeli Prime Minister is obvious after the members of Hamas tortured innocent men and women and even caged babies for some sick exhibition. I also know that the main aim of these terrorists is mainly to eliminate Jews from existence especially since some Israeli settlers stormed the Al Aqsa Mosque earlier in this year, after which Hamas launched its attacks. But the bombings that happened yesterday killed more civilians than terrorists. The attack was not even properly planned and was purely reactionary as is seen from the increasing death toll and destruction of property. From what I have noticed, both parties, in this case, have been attacking each other for one silly reason or another. The fights between the Israeli forces and Hamas that happened in previous years such as the Ramallah operation in 2022 when Israeli forces stormed the Al Aqsa Mosque and continued exchanging missiles with Hamas could have been avoided. But sometimes I feel as if the people in power present in those regions just do not want peace. I might sound very harsh but the political leaders in those regions simply do not care about the welfare of the innocent people at all.


Our Anticipation for the Final Result

Honestly, as a common man who has not much idea about politics, I cannot say what direction this war will take and what will be its ultimate result. I do not even know whether this conflict will end since it has been going on for about a century. However, what I have understood from it is that all that I have learned about humans living peacefully might be nothing but lies. Maybe we humans do not want peace with each other after all.  However, I am sure that if such conflicts do end one day, then they will end with us humans taking our own lives in the process.


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