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War Between The AIs: Google Launches Its Gemini AI To Compete Against ChatGPT?

by | Dec 11, 2023 | Current News | 0 comments

In an era of rapid technological advancements, the launch of OpenAI’s ChatGPT was a breakthrough that many didn’t expect. This machine learning feat revealed a new realm, evolving humanity in unbelievable ways! ChatGPT encompasses a large language model that is capable of understanding human-like conversations as well as producing incredibly logical, contextually correct, in addition to creative responses.



ChatGPT quickly became the unexpected embodiment of the progress human beings have made in the field of Artificial Intelligence. Before the launch of ChatGPT, AI was already slowly making its presence felt in various forms, starting from being used in navigation systems to recommending algorithms for different processes. However, ChatGPT was strikingly different; it became the dawn of the AI age, where machines could converse with human beings seamlessly and understand inquiries made by humans, in addition to providing instinctive responses.


The Birth Of ChatGPT


Taking birth from the meeting of Deep Learning and Linguistics, ChatGPT soon became a testament to the abilities of neural network architectures that are created to comprehend human language nuances. Trained on a broad spectrum of the World Wide Web, ChatGPT absorbs a distinct range of information, styles, as well as perspectives to produce the best results. It adapts and mimics human emotions and intellect in the form of textual communication.



The emergence of ChatGPT has transformed the way human beings work and live. Every societal facet has soaked into its emergence; for example, in education, it turned out to be an accessible tutor, delivering students with personalised feedback instantly. For commercial organisations, it delivers effective customer service, helping business organisations serve their customers the best.

But the advent of ChatGPT was not just about providing immense utility to the world; it redefined human beings’ perceptions of what Artificial Intelligence could achieve. Before the coming of ChatGPT, AI was seen as a cold as well as impersonal tool. These days, AI has become a conversational partner, a knowledgeable advisor, and even a creative artist. Human beings can now sketch a future where mankind and Artificial Intelligence will not only coexist but also thrive in symbiosis.


Google’s Gemini AI To Compete Against ChatGPT?


Google recently revealed Gemini AI, which is touted as its most powerful AI model. As per Google, this is the highest-powered AI model ever created by humans. Gemini AI has been designed to take on several chores at once. This AI model can process texts, codes, audio files, images, as well as videos, in addition to other forms of data, simultaneously.

Gemini AI is the first AI model that is predicted to beat human researchers on the Massive Multitask Language Understanding scale, which is knowledge of the outside world as well as problem-solving skills across 57 different subjects that include maths, history, physics, medicine, law, and ethics.



Features Of Gemini AI

Google seeks to licence Gemini AI to users through Google Cloud so that everyone can use it in their mobile applications. Enterprise clients and developers can make use of Google AI Studio’s Gemini API or Google Cloud Vertex AI for accessing Gemini Pro as of December 13. Users can also access Gemini Nano, created by Android developers, to meet their needs.



Google products such as the Search Generative Experience are behind responding to search queries using conversational-style text. This AI algorithm helps Google with delivering super-speedy answers. Users can avail of three sizes for Gemini: Gemini Ultra will be the biggest and most capable size; Gemini Pro can scale across a diverse range of tasks; and lastly, Gemini Nano will be reserved for comprehensive chores. Gemini AI will also power Google’s Bard AI to create more powerful answers for the users. Google definitely wants to capture the market from ChatGPT, which is evident to the eyes. Only time will reveal if Gemini AI can beat ChatGPT and exceed the benchmark that is already set by ChatGPT.

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