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UN Removes India from Report on Impact of Armed Conflict on Children

by | Jun 30, 2023 | World News | 0 comments

In a significant development, India has been removed from the United Nations’ annual report on the impact of armed conflict on children. UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres commended the Indian government for its commitment to protecting children and highlighted the measures taken to ensure their safety. This decision signifies India’s progress in strengthening child protection, and it sheds light on the country’s efforts to create a safer environment for its youngest citizens. Let us explore the journey that led to India’s removal from the report and the challenges and achievements that shaped this transformation.


A Turning Point in India’s Commitment to Child Protection

Over the past two years, India has been working closely with the UN Special Representative for Children and Armed Conflict, Virginia Gamba, to address the concerns outlined in previous reports. Recognizing the need for preventive measures, India embarked on a path of engagement, demonstrating its willingness to implement sustainable measures that would lead to its removal from the report.

Acknowledging India’s Efforts

The 2023 report by UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres highlights the positive steps taken by India to safeguard children. In particular, it mentions a technical mission conducted by the Special Representative’s office in July 2022, aimed at identifying areas of cooperation for child protection. Additionally, a workshop on strengthening child protection, organized by the Indian government in Jammu and Kashmir, showcased India’s commitment to ensuring the well-being of children with the active participation of the United Nations.

Remaining Measures for Continued Progress

While celebrating India’s removal from the report, Guterres emphasized the importance of implementing the remaining measures identified in consultation with the UN Special Representative and the United Nations. These measures include training armed and security forces on child protection, prohibiting the use of force on children, especially lethal and non-lethal means like pellet guns, and ensuring that detention is only used as a last resort and for the shortest appropriate period. Guterres also stressed the significance of preventing ill-treatment in detention and fully implementing existing acts for the protection of children.

India’s Concerns Addressed

India had expressed concerns about the inclusion of situations in the report that did not meet the criteria of armed conflict or threats to international peace and security. This highlights the country’s commitment to accurate reporting and ensuring that the report aligns with the stated objectives. By addressing these concerns and working in collaboration with the UN, India has fostered an atmosphere of trust and cooperation.

Global Challenges in Protecting Children

The annual report also sheds light on the global scenario, highlighting the disproportionate impact of armed conflict on children. Despite progress in various regions, the number of children affected by grave violations increased in 2022. The report verifies 27,180 grave violations, impacting 18,890 children in 24 situations worldwide. These violations include killings, maiming’s, recruitment, use, and abduction of children, as well as their detention for association with armed groups. The report emphasizes the urgency of collective efforts to protect children in conflict zones.

Strengthening Child Protection Systems

India’s journey towards removing the stigma of armed conflict on children involves a comprehensive approach to strengthening child protection systems. Recognizing the importance of preventive measures, India has placed significant emphasis on capacity-building, policy reforms, and community engagement to address the training needs of armed and security forces, India has implemented specialized programs focused on child protection. These programs aim to raise awareness among personnel about the specific vulnerabilities and rights of children in conflict-affected areas. By providing them with the necessary knowledge and skills, India ensures that the actions of security forces align with international standards and prioritize the safety and well-being of children.

Moreover, India has undertaken legislative reforms to align its legal framework with international child protection standards. The full implementation of the Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act and the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act is a testament to India’s commitment to providing a strong legal foundation for child protection. These acts not only address the needs of children in conflict situations but also focus on preventing and addressing all forms of abuse, exploitation, and violence against children.

In addition to legislative reforms, India has actively engaged with local communities to raise awareness about child protection issues. Community-based initiatives play a vital role in fostering a protective environment for children affected by armed conflict. By collaborating with civil society organizations and community leaders, India has encouraged community participation in identifying and addressing the specific challenges faced by children in conflict-affected areas.

Ensuring Rehabilitation and Reintegration

One of the critical aspects of India’s approach to child protection is the focus on rehabilitation and reintegration of children affected by armed conflict. Recognizing the long-term impact of conflict on children’s physical and psychological well-being, India has implemented comprehensive programs to support their recovery and reintegration into society.

Rehabilitation efforts include providing access to quality healthcare, psychological support, and education for children who have experienced trauma and violence. India has established specialized centers and programs that offer counseling, therapy, and rehabilitation services tailored to the unique needs of these children. These initiatives aim to empower children with the necessary skills and support systems to rebuild their lives and overcome the challenges they have faced.

Moreover, India has implemented educational programs that prioritize the inclusion and integration of children affected by armed conflict. By ensuring access to quality education, India equips children with the tools they need to regain a sense of normalcy and pursue a brighter future. Education not only empowers children but also acts as a catalyst for social cohesion and sustainable peace in conflict-affected regions.

Collaboration and International Cooperation

India’s successful journey towards removing itself from the UN report would not have been possible without effective collaboration and international cooperation. The partnership between India and the United Nations, particularly the Special Representative for Children and Armed Conflict, has played a pivotal role in shaping India’s progress in child protection.

India’s willingness to engage in dialogue, address concerns, and actively participate in joint initiatives with the United Nations has created a platform for shared learning and knowledge exchange. Through technical missions, workshops, and ongoing consultations, India has benefited from the expertise and guidance provided by the United Nations in strengthening its child protection policies and practices.

Furthermore, India’s commitment to regional cooperation has been instrumental in addressing child protection issues. By collaborating with neighbouring countries and regional organizations, India has contributed to a broader regional framework that prioritizes the protection and well-being of children affected by armed conflict. Such regional cooperation fosters cross-border coordination, information-sharing, and the development of comprehensive strategies to address the unique challenges faced by children in conflict situations.

Scaling Up Prevention and Awareness

India’s commitment to child protection extends beyond reactive measures and encompasses a strong focus on prevention and awareness. Recognizing the significance of early intervention, India has invested in comprehensive prevention strategies aimed at addressing the root causes of armed conflict and protecting children from the devastating consequences.

Community-based initiatives play a crucial role in this preventive approach. India has empowered local communities to identify and address the underlying factors that contribute to armed conflict and its impact on children. By engaging community leaders, civil society organizations, and grassroots stakeholders, India fosters a sense of ownership and collective responsibility in safeguarding children’s rights. This bottom-up approach ensures that prevention efforts are contextualized, culturally sensitive, and sustainable, ultimately creating safer environments for children.

India has also prioritized awareness campaigns to disseminate information about child protection rights, risks, and available support services. These campaigns aim to reach vulnerable communities and marginalized groups, ensuring that children and their families are aware of their rights and equipped with the knowledge to protect themselves. Through targeted outreach programs, awareness is raised about the harmful effects of armed conflict on children and the importance of early intervention.

International Best Practices and Learning Exchanges

India’s journey towards removing itself from the UN report has been enriched by international best practices and learning exchanges. Recognizing the value of shared knowledge, India actively participates in global forums and platforms where experiences and expertise are exchanged to enhance child protection strategies.

India has embraced opportunities for cross-border learning, engaging with international organizations, and collaborating with countries facing similar challenges. By studying successful models implemented in other nations, India has been able to adapt and implement effective practices that align with its unique context and circumstances. This international cooperation allows for the exchange of innovative ideas, lessons learned, and capacity-building, ultimately bolstering India’s efforts to protect children affected by armed conflict.

Furthermore, India has taken a leadership role in advocating for global cooperation and the prioritization of child protection on the international agenda. By actively participating in United Nations discussions, India amplifies the voices of children affected by armed conflict, advocating for their rights and mobilizing support for comprehensive child protection strategies worldwide. 

Sustainable Funding and Resource Allocation

A key aspect of India’s journey towards removing itself from the UN report has been the allocation of sustainable funding and resources for child protection initiatives. Recognizing the long-term nature of the issue, India has prioritized budgetary allocations that support comprehensive child protection programs and ensure their continuity.

India’s commitment to sustainable funding demonstrates its recognition of child protection as a fundamental aspect of sustainable development. By integrating child protection into national development plans and budgets, India ensures the availability of resources for prevention, intervention, and rehabilitation programs. This sustained financial investment is essential for the successful implementation of policies and the provision of quality services that address the complex needs of children affected by armed conflict.

Empowering Children as Agents of Change

India recognizes the importance of empowering children as active participants in their own protection and as agents of change within their communities. The country has implemented initiatives that amplify children’s voices, involve them in decision-making processes, and provide platforms for their participation.

Child-led organizations and forums have been established to ensure that children have a say in matters that affect their lives. These platforms enable children to share their experiences, express their concerns, and propose solutions to address the challenges they face in conflict-affected areas. By valuing their perspectives and involving them in decision-making, India fosters a sense of ownership and empowerment among children, enhancing their resilience and contributing to more effective child protection strategies.

India also places a strong emphasis on education as a means of empowering children and promoting their active engagement in society. Access to quality education not only equips children with knowledge and skills but also enhances their critical thinking, empathy, and understanding of their rights. By prioritizing education in conflict-affected areas, India enables children to break the cycle of violence and become advocates for peace and justice.

Monitoring and Accountability

Ensuring effective monitoring and accountability mechanisms is essential in safeguarding children’s rights and holding perpetrators of violations accountable. India has implemented robust systems to monitor and document instances of child rights violations, providing a basis for evidence-based advocacy and action.

Collaborating with national and international stakeholders, India has established monitoring frameworks that track and report on the situation of children in conflict-affected areas. This includes the collection of data, conducting assessments, and regular reporting on the implementation of child protection measures. By monitoring and documenting violations, India can identify gaps, address challenges, and hold accountable those responsible for grave violations against children.

In addition to monitoring, India recognizes the importance of justice and accountability in addressing past violations. The country has taken steps to ensure that perpetrators are held accountable through legal mechanisms and judicial processes. This includes the prosecution of individuals responsible for crimes against children, ensuring that justice is served and children’s rights are upheld.

Building Sustainable Peace

India’s commitment to child protection extends beyond immediate response and aims to build sustainable peace in conflict-affected regions. Recognizing that sustainable peace is vital for the well-being of children, India engages in comprehensive peace building efforts that address the root causes of armed conflict.

By investing in conflict resolution, dialogue, and reconciliation processes, India strives to create an environment where children can grow up in peace and harmony. This includes promoting social cohesion, fostering inter group dialogue, and addressing underlying grievances to create inclusive and resilient communities.

Moreover, India recognizes the inter linkages between peace building, development, and child protection. It prioritizes integrated approaches that address not only the immediate needs of children but also the long-term structural issues that perpetuate violence and conflict. By promoting sustainable development and addressing socio-economic disparities, India creates opportunities for all children to thrive and contribute to building a peaceful society.


India’s remarkable journey towards removing itself from the UN report on the impact of armed conflict on children showcases its comprehensive and holistic approach to child protection. Through empowering children, strengthening monitoring and accountability mechanisms, and building sustainable peace, India sets a shining example for the world.

The path to ensuring the well-being and protection of children affected by armed conflict is complex and challenging. However, India’s unwavering commitment, proactive measures, and collaborative efforts demonstrate that progress is possible. By addressing the root causes of armed conflict, empowering children, and investing in sustainable solutions, we can create a future where children are shielded from the horrors of war and can grow up in environments filled with peace, dignity, and hope.

As the international community continues to grapple with the impact of armed conflict on children, India’s journey serves as an inspiration and a call to action. It reminds us that the rights of children must be at the forefront of our collective efforts and that every child deserves to live in a world free from violence and fear. Through sustained commitment, collaboration, and an unwavering belief in the inherent worth of every child, we can work together to protect and nurture the future generations, ensuring a brighter and more peaceful world for all.

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