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Elightment of Spiritual Awakening : Effects On Family , Wealth , Sexual Desire | Its Process | Pros & Cons

by | May 14, 2024 | Lifestyle, Nature | 1 comment

Spritual Awakening

Spiritual awakening process is frequently termed as a deep shift in consciousness and insight, which result in understanding of oneself and the universe. This experience may be extremely individualistic to each person but some common elements or stages can be noted:

What is the process of enlightenment or spiritual awakening?

  1. **Dissatisfaction or Disillusionment**: It often starts with a feeling that life is lacking in depth or meaning, or a sense that the material or conventional aspects of life are no longer satisfying.
  2. **Questioning and Seeking**: This involves questioning traditional beliefs, values, and the nature of reality itself. People often seek answers in spirituality, philosophy, or more esoteric or non-traditional knowledge.
  3. **Experiences of Expansion**: Many describe moments of expanded consciousness, where they feel a connection to a greater reality beyond the physical or material world. This might include experiences of profound peace, love, or unity.
  4. **Encountering the Shadow Self**: This stage involves confronting and integrating the ‘shadow’ self or the aspects of oneself that have been suppressed or ignored. It’s often marked by psychological upheaval as one reconciles these parts of their identity.
  5. **Transformation**: This stage involves a transformation of self where old beliefs and patterns are released while new understandings are embraced. It often leads to a more authentic and purposeful way of living.
  6. **Integration and Expansion**: Here people learn how to live with their new comprehension & awareness about things; thus change their lifestyles relationships and personal objectives accordingly on daily basis.


How does one start up this Spiritual awakening journey towards an enlightenment step-by-step process?

When it comes to embarking on a spiritual journey towards enlightenment, this will be different for everyone as it is an individual thing. Nevertheless, there are some general steps that are helpful to many people as they start with it. Here are the steps that you should take in order to start your spiritual awakening:

Step 1: Cultivate Awareness

– **Mindfulness Practice**: Start by incorporating mindfulness into your daily life. This could be through meditation, mindful breathing, or simply being present in the moment during everyday activities.

– **Self-Reflection**: Regularly spend time in self-reflection. Journaling your thoughts, feelings, and experiences can help you become more aware of your inner life and patterns.

Step 2: Educate Yourself

– **Read Widely**: Explore spiritual texts, philosophies, and teachings from various traditions. Books on spirituality, metaphysics, and personal development can open your mind to new ideas and concepts.

– **Attend Workshops or Talks**: Participate in workshops, seminars, or talks on spiritual topics. This can also be a way to meet others on similar paths.

Step 3: Connect with Nature

– **Spend Time Outdoors**: Nature can be a powerful catalyst for spiritual awareness. Spend time in natural settings, observing and connecting with the environment around you.

Step 4: Practice Regular Meditation

– **Daily Contemplation**: Develop a daily contemplation practice which assists in quietening the mind, connecting with inner self and can result in great realizations and transformations.

Step 5: Merge Spiritual Practices

– **Experiment with Different Methods**: Try different religious practices like yoga, Tai Chi or praying. These methods can harmonize your spirit while healing your body and soul.

– **Regular Practice**: Make these habits part of your life on a regular basis as they are instrumental in facilitating deeper spiritual experiences.

Step 6: Assess Your Beliefs

– **Questioning and Inquiry**: Begin to question and inquire into what you believe. You should be ready to challenge any assumptions you might have about yourself, the world around you, or even the divine.

Step 7: Engage In Community

– **Get a Group**: Meeting others who walk spiritual paths is an important means of support, illumination, and companionship. Look for local associations or online forums focused on topics that resonate with your passions.

Step 8: Be Willing To Experience

**Keep An Open Mind And Stay Curious:** Remain open to spiritual experiences no matter how strange or difficult they may seem. Listen to yourself and do what feels right.

**Practice Non-Assumption:** Do not judge both your own experience and those of others but rather acknowledge the various paths that people may follow spiritually.

Step 9: Be Kind And Compassionate

**Increase Your Compassion:** Actively develop compassion for yourself and others. It is often seen as an indicator of growth on our spiritual journey bringing us closer to God’s truth within us.

Step10: Regularly Review And Adjust

**Make sure that there are regular check-ins:** Spare some time regularly to reflect upon personal experiences and feelings. Change the ways you practice spirituality based on what you learn about yourself and your path towards enlightenment.

Step11: Be Patient

**Patience is Precious:** Spiritual awakening often happens slowly and involves many ups-and-downs. Show yourself patience as well as the process.

When you start your spiritual awakening, you make a commitment to grow beyond where you are now and engage consciously in activities that will foster growth. It is a never-ending journey that is full of learning, growing, and profound change.


Spiritual awakening should every person go through it? Or is it a personal preference?

It is not something that must happen to everyone or even something that all people want to strive for. It depends on different beliefs, values and individual situations. Here are some points to ponder when considering whether one should pursue spiritual awakening:

Personal Preference

**Individual Journey**: Spiritual awakening is an individual experience often drawing those who have a natural yearning for deeper insight or are questioning the nature of life, reality, or purpose.

**Voluntary Pursuit**: A voluntary pursuit prompted by curiosity, crisis or innate proclivity of ones spirit and mind. Not everyone needs this kind of introspection and transformation.

Cultural and Personal Beliefs

**Varied Beliefs**: In some cultures or religious contexts, there may be some form of spiritual awakening seen as necessary for personal growth and fulfillment unlike in other societies where it may not be stressed upon or can be understood differently.

**Secular Approaches**: Some secular individuals find deep satisfaction in their lives and focus on ethical living, community involvement, and personal development without religion.

Life Stages and Experiences

**Timing**: Interest in spiritual awakening may come at certain stages in life or as a response to particular life events. For others though life might still feel fulfilling and meaningful even without this experience.

**Crisis-Driven Seekers**: Occasionally spirituality becomes an alternative after encountering major challenges or crises offering solace, strength and meaning.

The Role of Satisfaction and Well-being

**Contentment in Life**: If someone is content with their current life situation they may not feel the need for spiritual awakening. Satisfaction can be derived from various sources including family, career, hobbies, and social interactions .

– **Seeking More**: Yet among others there may be an inherent dissatisfaction that feels profound. This can lead them into seeking spiritual truth.

Therefore pursuing spiritual awakening is one’s choice guided by the desires, needs and life context of an individual. People should identify what would make their lives worth living, and follow that path whether it includes a spiritual enlightenment or not. This is a personal decision which can differ even within the same family or community.


Will it become good or worse than the present situation I am in if I go through spiritual awakening?

A journey of spiritual awakening has the potential to change significantly your life and whether these changes will mean better or worse for your situation largely depends on how you view them, your current situation and how you handle this transformation process. Here are some considerations:

Potential Benefits

  1. **Increased Self-awareness and Insight**: Greater self-knowledge can be achieved through a spiritual awakening experience which helps to recognize unproductive habits and behaviors.
  2. **Greater Peace and Contentment**: Others still find that this road allows them more peace, less concern about material things, as well as deeper contentment in their lives.
  3. **Boosted Associations**: This is capable of creating deeper relations because you can gain more empathy and show greater compassion to other people.
  4. **Reason for Being and Connection**: Consequently, it has a powerful sense of purpose and bond with the entire universe that can be highly satisfying.

Potential Challenges

  1. **Emotional Tumult**: The process may trigger strong feelings and bring about periods of bewilderment or distress especially when old beliefs and structures are being questioned or dismantled.
  2. **Effects on Your Relationships**: Any change in values and outlooks may put pressure on existing relationships with those who do not comprehend or support your journey.
  3. **Sense of Isolation**: You could experience isolation as well as misunderstanding from those around you who aren’t walking the same path, or respond negatively to the changes taking place within you.
  4. **Ambiguity And Instability**: When your perception of life changes, there might follow an interval of uncertainty and instability that makes one feel uncomfortable if not presenting practical issues in daily existence.

Managing the Journey

– **System of Support:** Having a system of support like-minded friends, spiritual mentors family members can help handle such hurdles seamlessly.

**Balanced Approach:** Gradually integrate spiritual practices into your life while still maintaining a balance between them and your everyday activities to reduce any disruption they may cause

**Mental Health Considerations:** It’s important to focus on mental health throughout this process hence if it becomes too much for someone to bear alone; a mental health professional should be consulted

**Self-Forgiveness & Endurance:** Responding kindly towards yourself by practicing self-pity through ups and downs during this period shapes how one experiences his/herself significantly.

In a word, spiritual awakening could make one’s existence richer as well as more meaningful but also bring up serious challenges requiring thorough management. How well you understand and adapt to the changes within yourself as well as how these changes align with your overall life circumstance is what determines that. It’s useful to be open-minded going through this journey, ready for potential growth and obstacles alike.


What is the effect on family and love life?

Family dynamics, romantic relationships and even friendships can be significantly altered by a person’s spiritual awakening process. These changes can be both challenging and rewarding depending on how they match up with what people want from them in their newly evolved state. Here are some of the ways a spiritual awakening can affect these relationships:


Family Relationships

  1. **Different Views and Beliefs**: It happens that as people go through a spiritual journey, they adopt new attitudes and values where this may cause division between them and family members who do not share these new beliefs. If not handled gently, this may result into misunderstandings or confrontations.
  2. **More Love**: On the other hand, when one’s inner spirituality increases, there comes a better understanding about his/her own self hence greater care for members of his/her own family circle which foster closeness between them as well as resolve past disputes.
  3. **Desire for genuine connections**: Some individuals may feel compelled to become more authentic themselves leading to changing their standpoints with regard to their families or even altering their roles within those families. This could result in positive outcomes however; it might also confuse or annoy other family members.
  4. **Feeling of Being Alone**: In case an individual feels isolated in his/her new spiritual path by the entire family, such loneliness may emerge at home.


Romantic Relationships


  1. **Deepening bond**: Should one partner undergo self-realization while others are supportive or have been aspiring for it too, trust among them would become stronger thus creating closer intimacy as they discover fresh dimensions together.
  2. **Strain and Disconnection**: However, if values shift then it might impair relations between partners thus rendering them apart from each other emotionally. One party might feel that he/she has bee abandoned by his lover considering lack of common grounds regarding perception towards life.
  3. **Changes in Relationship Roles**: As a person themselves change, their demands and expectations from their partner in relationships may also shift. Such shifts may give rise to different relationship dynamics where one seeks more liberty, different forms of being close or other types of changes that might call for both of you to adjust.
  4. **New Beginning**: In some instances, spiritual awakening can bring life back into a romantic partnership. With increased self-discovery and personal growth during this period, an individual’s love life could be completely transformed by incorporating fresh ideas and energy thereby reaffirming commitment.

Therefore, the key to managing the impact of a spiritual awakening on family and romantic relationships lies in communication. For an individual, it is vital that he/she expresses his/her feelings while getting support from loved ones including the spouse. Moreover, one has to consider the needs and boundaries of his/her loved ones throughout this process so as to strike a balance between striving for personal fulfillment or growth on one side and nurturing their relationships on the other hand. Sometimes this means delving deeper into relations but might necessitate tough adaptations since it involves greater authenticity.


What happens when sexual desiring during spiritual awakening?

While undergoing spiritual awakenings, sexual desires differ greatly among individuals due to the fact that both spirituality as well as sexuality are highly subjective matters. Some experiences commonly noted during a time like this include how our sex drives get affected:


  1. **Shift in Priorities**: Some people may lose their sexual appetite as they become more interested in growing spiritually and exploring themselves better. In this case, the pursuit of inner peace and knowledge might surpass physical desires.
  2. **Increased Intimacy and Connection**: Other people might experience an increase in a drive for more profound connections that can enhance the level of intimacy between them. This does not necessarily mean that there will be more sex, but rather it is just a way of expressing the desire to be closer to one’s partner.
  3. **Transformation of Sexual Energy**: Transforming or subliming sexual energy into spiritual energy is discussed by many spiritual traditions. One redirects this powerful energy to spiritual practices and personal growth that may result in expressions of sexuality that are less conventional.
  4. **New Perspectives on Sexuality**: As individuals explore their inner selves and question existing beliefs, their views on sexuality can change. They may reevaluate what sex means to them, leading to different ways they choose when engaging in sex or even with whom.
  5. **Heightened Sensuality**: People claim that during a spiritual awakening they become more alive to their senses causing intensified sensations during sensual experiences; hence making sexual encounters feel superlative.
  6. **Challenges with Libido**: Sometimes emotional and psychological turmoil common during spiritual awakening can temporarily reduce libido levels. It is also important to note that stress, confusion as well as emotional turmoil have great impact on one’s sexual desire.
  7. **Seeking Spiritual Union**: Sexual union represents a metaphor for or approach towards achieving intimate relationship with God in some religious contexts. Consequently, such cases associate sexual aspirations very much with religious quests thus considering sexuality as something sacred or holy.

8.Celibacy or Sexual Restraint: Some individuals may respond to this call by opting for celibacy or exercising restraint when it comes to sex during spiritual exercises undertaken as part of faithfulness to a spiritual path or tradition. More often than not, this is seen as a means of conserving energy or simply concentrating on spiritual growth rather than being distracted by sex.

How sexual desire is impacted during a spiritual awakening depends significantly on individual beliefs, the nature of their spiritual journey, and how they integrate this aspect of their human experience with their evolving spiritual understanding.


What happens to one’s attraction towards money & wealth during this process?

Spiritual Awakening

During the spiritual awakening process, many people experience a shift in their values and perspectives, including their attitude towards money and wealth. This change typically involves questioning what is really important in life and can lead to significant shifts in one’s perception as well as use of money. The following are some common changes in attitudes towards money and wealth during a spiritual awakening:


  1. **Reduced Materialism**: The attachment to material possessions and wealth might wane for individuals. Pursuit of money for its own sake may appear less significant or satisfying hence resulting in decreased emphasis on wealth accumulation.
  2. **Greater Emphasis on Purpose and Meaning**: As people go through a spiritual awakening, they often seek deeper meaning and purpose in their lives. Thus, it becomes important for them to channel money into avenues that reflect new values such as contributing towards courses they have passion about or investing it personal development/experiences that enhance sense of spirituality/emotional wellness.
  3. **Towards Minimalism**: Many people are finding solace in a more simple, minimalistic way of life which means spending less on things that are not necessary and more so on essential items or those that enhance their life quality reflecting a more considered approach to consumption.
  4. **Greater Generosity**: The feeling of being part of the larger whole and the new compassion can lead to more magnanimity. In this case, wealth sharing, helping others out and involving oneself in charity may gain priority as individuals seek positive changes around them.
  5. **Delicate Wealth Viewpoint**: Additionally, the idea of wealth can go beyond finances and include other forms such as relationships, community, health or spiritual satisfaction. These aspects may begin to be valued more than mere financial prosperity alone.
  6. **Anxiety or Conflict With Money**: There is often anxiety involved with having money; there is also conflict that arises when someone feels that his/her spiritual values are at odds with material success quest by the society as highlighted hereunder:
  7. **Creative Utilization for Resources**: There could be an imaginative mode of handling money too e.g., investing it into ethical businesses or projects that reflect sustainability and personal growth for everyone involved in them.

Finally on the process of spiritual awakening, these developments do not necessarily mean an absolute rejection of money or its perception as negative per se but rather a reorientation towards the concept where one’s relationship with money becomes more balanced and deliberate; focusing on using financial resources aligning with one’s core values while leading to meaningful existence.

This may be challenging at times leading to confusion periods loneliness emotional pain as it brings about certain transformation that could be enlightening yet disruptive altogether hence many people who encounter spiritual awakening explain it as leading them to deeper sense of peace life’s meanings such as being connected to God.



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  1. srideep kanrar

    It is genuinely nice


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