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Revealed: Why Was Kim Jong Un, The Supreme Leader Of North Korea, Seen Crying Recently?

by | Dec 8, 2023 | World News | 0 comments

Who Is Kim Jong Un?

Kim Jong Un took birth on January 8th, in the year 1982 or 1983. He has been the North Korean supreme leader since the year 2011 as well as the apex leader of the Workers’ Party of Korea (commonly known as WPK) since the year 2012. Being Kim Jong Il’s third son, who was North Korea’s second supreme leader from the year 1994 to 2011, Kim Jong Un holds a royal rank among the politicians of North Korea.

He is the grandson of Kim Il Sung, who founded North Korea as well as was the first supreme leader of that country from its establishment in the year 1948 until his passing away in the year 1994. In 2010, Kim Jong Un was seen as the upcoming successor to the leadership of North Korea. Subsequent to his father’s sad demise in 2011, the state television of North Korea started announcing Kim Jong Un as the Great Successor of North Korea.

He possesses the titles of General Secretary of the WPK as well as being the President of State Affairs. Kim Jong Un is a member of the WPK Politburo Praesidium, which is the ultimate decision-making body in North Korea. In the year 2012, Kim became the Marshal of the Korean People’s Army, being promoted to Supreme Commander of the nation’s Armed Forces.


Knowing Kim Jong Un


The state media in North Korea often refers to Kim Jong Un as the Respected Comrade Kim Jong Un or Marshal Kim Jong Un. He promoted and glorified the policy of Byungjin, akin to the policy of Kim Il Sung from the 1960s, denoting the parallel development of both the country’s economy as well as the nation’s nuclear weapons plans of action.

Kim Jong Un has also brought to life the WPK structures, expanding WPK’s power at the military leadership’s expense. He reigns over North Korea and runs the country as a totalitarian state, as well as his leadership has followed the similar personality cult as his father as well as grandfather. Kim Jong Un increased in size North Korea’s nuclear weapons programme, leading to escalated tensions with South Korea and the United States, along with China.

Kim partook in various summits with Moon Jae-in, the South Korean President, and US President Donald Trump in 2018 and 2019, which resulted in a brief thaw between the two countries and North Korea, although all the friendly associations ultimately broke down without any advancement on the policy of denuclearization. Kim has declared success in fighting against Covid-19 in North Korea, as the nation reported no confirmed cases of Covid-19 until the month of May in the year 2022, although several experts are uncertain about his claim.


Kim Jong Un: The Killing Machine?


Similar to all other reports on North Korea, details of purges as well as executions in North Korea are difficult to verify. According to media reports in the year 2013, Kim Jong Un had executed his ex-girlfriend, singer Hyon Song Wol, as she was claimed to have violated pornography laws.

In the year 2013, Jang Song Thaek, Kim Jong Un’s uncle, got arrested and executed for treachery allegations. Jang is said to have been killed by the firing squad. According to media reports, Kim Jong Un has also put to death Jang Song Thaek’s family members to fully destroy Jang’s all existential traces.

Those reportedly put to death under the order of Kim Jong Un also include O Sang Hon, who was the Deputy Security Minister in the North Korean government in a political purge in the year 2014. As per one of the South Korean newspapers, O Sang Hon was murdered using a flamethrower for his alleged support of Jang Song Thaek, Kim Jong Un’s uncle.


Revealed: Why Did Kim Jong Un Cry Recently?


In a video that is circulating on different social media platforms these days, Kim Jong Un can be seen putting his head down as well as wiping away his tears. Kim was seen being emotional and emotive in the video from a recently hosted event, where he was seen being tense and worried about dealing with North Korea’s plummeting birth rates.

Kim Jong Un expressed and stated that preventing the decline of birth rates as well as providing sound childcare are the housekeeping responsibilities everyone needs to take care of while working with mothers. This incident took place at the National Mothers Meeting, which was intended for mothers in Pyongyang. The current supreme leader of North Korea has been filmed shedding tears while appealing to the women of North Korea to have more kids.

North Korea’s birth rate has been declining for years; therefore, Kim Jong Un has appealed to North Korean women to have more babies for strengthening the national power. In the video, Kim was seen wiping his tears with a white handkerchief while appealing to ladies during an event in Pyongyang. According to data from the United Nations, the average number of newborns taking birth in North Korea stands at 1.8 as of 2023, when there has been a fall in birth rates in recent decades.


More On The Recent Development


After congratulating mothers for their brief role in making the national power stronger, Kim Jong Un was seen emotionally expressing that he always thinks about mothers when he faces hard times dealing with his party as well as the nation’s work. The United Nations Population Fund measures that North Korea’s fertility rate stands at 1.8 when there has been a decline in birth rates in recent decades.

To deal with and tackle North Korea’s low birth rates, Kim Jong Un introduced benefits for families having three or more kids, which take into account preferential housing arrangements for free, free food and medicines, subsidies provided by the state, along with household goods, and educational assistance for kids. A notable media house stated that North Korea is touted to experience a shrink in population from the year 2034 and forecasted a decrease in population of 23.7-million by the year 2070.

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