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OCD in Children and Adolescents: Early Sings and Interventions

by | May 22, 2024 | Healthcare | 0 comments


Studying the mind and behavior scientifically is called psychology. it covers many different subjects, including as human thought, emotion, and behavior in both social and individual contexts. From brain activity and cognitive functioning to emotional reactions and social interactions, psychologists study a wide range of facets of the human experience. Psychology is a broad discipline that includes several sub-fields that specialize in various facts of the mental processes and behavior. these sub-fields include clinical psychology, counseling psychology, developmental psychology, social psychology and cognitive psychology. aiming to better human well-being, promote mental health, and address a range of psychological difficulties, psychologists seek to comprehend these components. In this article we are going to discuss about very common disorder mostly discoverable in teenager life called OCD.



In order to lessen the anguish these ideas create, compulsive activities or repetitive thoughts-known as compulsions-are the hallmarks of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), a mental health illness marked by unwanted, recurrent thoughts. Though they can cause major disruptions to daily living, these compulsions frequently only offer momentary comfort. hand cleaning, checking and counting excessively are common examples. a mix of treatment and medication is commonly used to treat OCD, Which affects people of all ages.


1. Obsessions:
Fear or dirty things or place.
Always want each and every things orderly.
Aggressive thinking about losing control yourself and harming yourself or another person.
2. Compulsions:
Too much Washing and Cleaning habit.
Too much checking things ( repeatedly checking locks, switch’s).
Maintain strict routine.



Obsession: In kids and teenagers, obsessions can appear as bothersome, recurring thoughts or anxieties that create a lot of distress. these could be worries about being sick,  hurting other people , or something terrible occurring to a loved one. A child who is always worried about dirt, germ’s, or sickness may wash  their hands excessively or stay away from things they think are contaminated. in addition, they may have depressing ideas about symmetry and order, which makes them rearrange things until they think its all ok.
Compulsions: Children who experience anxiety due to obsessions may resort to recurrent action or thoughts. typical compulsive include: Cleaning and washing: Abnormally cleaning objects, taking showers, or washing hands. Checking: Verifying that assignments are completed correctly by frequently checking locks, doors, appliances and hard work. Counting and repeating: Performing particular counting routines or carrying out operations a predetermined number of times. Arranging: Demanding that items, like toys or school supplies, be placed precisely where you want them.


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Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT): The best treatment for OCD in kids and teens in CBT, especially in the area of exposure and response prevention (ERP). ERP entails exposing the child to the scenarios or thoughts that they find frightening while stopping the obsessive behavior that goes along with them. this eventually lessens the distress brought on by obsession and the want to carry out compulsions. additionally, CBT teaches coping mechanisms and how to refute illogical ideas.
MEDITATION: To assist control the symptoms of OCD, doctors may occasionally prescribe meditation. it has been observed that selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), which are widely used, are useful in lessening the intensity of obsessions and compulsions. When therapy is combined with medication, a thorough treatment plan is frequently implemented.
FAMILY INVOLVEMENT: Family support is crucial in managing OCD. Educating family members about the disorder can help them understand the child behavior and avoid reinforcing compulsions. family therapy may also be beneficial in addressing and family dynamic that might contribute to the child symptoms.
SCHOOL SUPPORT: It is important to let teachers and school counselors know about the child health so they can offer the right kind of help in the classroom. this could be modifications to classroom routines to lesson anxiety triggers, extra time for homework, or a quiet  area for exams.



In conclusion Managing OCD in kids and teenagers requires early identification and treatment. Adopting effective treatment like CBT, medication, and family participation can help young people have more functional and meaningful lives by identifying the early indicators of obsessions and compulsions. children and teenagers suffering with OCD can learn to control their symptoms and lessen the disorders interference with their everyday lives with the correct help.

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