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Israeli airstrikes on the Jenin refugee camp resulted in four Palestinian deaths

by | Jul 3, 2023 | World News | 0 comments

A missile attack by Israel during airstrikes on the Jenin refugee camp resulted in 13 wounded and at least three dead Palestinians. According to locals and officials, Israel’s military has conducted airstrikes on the occupied West Bank city of Jenin, carrying out an attack that included a missile and killed at least three Palestinians.

Isreal’s military have launched air raids on the occupied West Bank city of Jenin, carrying out an attack that involved a missile and killed at least three Palestians, according to the residents and officials.

Residents claimed that at least 10 airstrikes by Israel were launched early on Monday in Jenin, sending smoke pouring from the remains of buildings. They also claimed to have seen a convoy of Israeli armoured vehicles coming in the direction of the enormous refugee camp in the city.

Mahmoud al-Saadi, the director of the Palestinian Red Crescent in Jenin, told the AFP news agency, “There is bombing from the air and an invasion from the ground.”

Palestinian ambulance driver Khaled Alahmad described the Jenin refugee camp as a “real war” with strikes targeting the camp resulting in injuries.

The violence in the west bank has increased recently, with the first Israeli drone attack in the region since 2006, an increase in military operations in Jenin and the northern Palestinian territory and the settler attacks in the Palestinian villages.

On June 21, an Israeli drone attack resulted in at least three Palestinians dead, while on June 19, a helicopter gunship raid over Jenin resulted in seven fatalities and more than 100 injuries. On June 20, four Israelis were also killed by Palestinian shooters, and the following day, as Israeli settlers attacked the village of Trumus Ayya, at least one Palestinian man was shot to death.

Following the assault on Monday, the Israeli military claimed in a statement that it had hit a “joint operations centre” that acted as the command post for the Jenin Brigades, a gathering of fighters from various Palestinian armed factions.

The site was an advanced observation and reconnaissance center, weapons and explosives site, and a coordination hub for Palestinian fighters. An aerial photograph showed the target site near two schools and a medical center.

Israeli attacks triggered a gun battle in Jenin, with explosives and drones still heard. The Jenin Brigades claimed they were engaging Israeli forces, while the Palestinian Islamic Jihad armed group stated they were open to striking Israel in response to its aggression. As daylight broke, thick black smoke from burning tires and calls for support from mosques echoed through the streets.

Last month, Israeli forces used choppers to drop missiles on Palestinians during a raid on the Jenin Refugee Camp. This marked the first such incident in the occupied West Bank in 20 years.The situation is tense with ambulances struggling to reach the wounded and increasing casualties. Israeli forces are entering the camps with bulldozers.

The UN human rights chief condemns Israel’s use of heavy weapons in the West Bank which, it has occupied since 1967. Volker Turk calls the Israeli attacks a “major intensification of weaponry associated with armed hostilities, rather than a law enforcement situation.”

Israel must reset its policies and actions to comply with international human rights , including protecting and respecting the right to life. The ongoing outburst has killed dozens of people, 177 Palestinians and 25 Israelis, a Ukrainian and an Italian killed. Ali Abunimah blames Israel for the violence, highlighting the online occupation of Jenin and the northern West Bank by fanatical settlers.

The attack on Jenin was driven by Israeli settlers’ bloodlust and revenge on Palestinian resistance to the invasion and land theft. Abunimah blames Israel and its West enablers, the US and EU, for the violence, stating that it is their policies that allow the occupier to steal Palestinian land and replace it with colonists.

A brief history of the Israel Palestine Conflict

One of the oldest and most controversial conflicts in the world is the Palestian-Israel conflict.

A battle between the Jewish nationalist project and the Palestinian nationalist project for self determination is taking place on the same ground.

The beginning of the twentieth century saw the Ottoman Empire, followed by the British Empire, occupying the territory that Jews and Palestinians claim as their own.

Palestinian people, Arab people from the same area, want to have a state with the same  name Palestine in that area.

Who gets to govern what land and how it is used is at the heart of the dispute between Israelis and Palestinians.

Jews who were fleeing persecution in Europe in the 20th century desired to build a Jewish state on the territory they regarded as their ancestral homeland.

The Arabs at the time opposed, claiming that the area belonged to them.Palestine was the name of the territory back then.

Why is the conflict still not resolved ?

Israel and the Palestians have been competing claims to Jerusalem, with Israel considering it entire state as its capital and the Palestinians insisting East Jerusalem is its future capital. There is no consensus on the boundary lines, refugees, settlements, political division between Fatah and Hamas. Tensions escalated between Israel and the Palestinians in East Jerusalem, Gaza and the West Bank with Hamas ruled by Israel and Egypt.

What is the solution?

The two-state solution aims to establish Palestinians as an independent state in Gaza and the West Bank, leaving the rest to Israel. However, practical implementation remains a challenge. The one-state solution, which would create one big Israel or one big Palestine, is viewed as more problematic than effective.

Global stand on the conflict

83% of the global countries recognise Israel’s legitimacy and maintain diplomatic relations, but are critical of its treatment of the Palestinians and the West Bank occupation. They believe Israel’s control is unlawful and settlements violate the fourth Geneva Convention, which protects civilians. The UN General Assembly, UN Security Council  and International Court of Justice support a “two-state solution” and condemn Jewish settlements. The US supports the two-state solution but maintains Israel’s right to defend itself in case of violence.

India’s stand on the issue

India, a major non-Arab, non-Muslim nation, has historically supported the Palestinian cause. Recognizing the Palestine Liberation Organisation (PLO) in 1974, India became one of the first countries to recognize the newly established state of Palestine in 1988.

India’s De-Hyphenation Policy on Israel and Palestine

India’s stance on the conflict has changed from a pro-Palestine position to a balancing act since 1992, indicating an independent foreign policy. This shift is evident in India’s voting patterns at the UN, where it backed Israel at the ECOSOC and abstained on a resolution demanding a probe into Israeli actions in the Gaza Strip. 


The international community must unite for a peaceful resolution, but the Israeli government’s and other parties’ resistance has made the situation worse. Therefore, maintaining good relations between both  Israel and Arab nations would benefit from a balanced approach to the Israel-Palestinian conflict.






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