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Is ‘Operation Ajay’ Going to Be Tactically Challenging? Learn More about the Latest Mission by the Indian Government to Help Indians Return Home from Israel

by | Oct 12, 2023 | Current News | 0 comments

The hottest piece of news that is circulating right now throughout the world is the Israel-Hamas war. Honestly, as a common man, I can say that this war is nothing but evidence of how low humanity can stoop down to just for some political ambitions. The war has taken a turn for the worse right now with Israeli forces bombing the Gaza Strip and even threatening to wipe out the entire Gaza region from the world map. I was deeply saddened when I heard how the common people in that place were suffering because of the war. However, what shocked me even more was the presence of Indians in Israel who were stuck there because of the war. I was horrified to know that many foreigners including people from my own country were stuck in Israel and struggling hard to survive amidst the chaos. However, I was quickly relieved when I got to know that the Indian government was going to execute a new mission known as ‘Operation Ajay’ to rescue all Indians who were currently in Israel. Since it is very good news, I decided to know more about this mission.


‘Operation Ajay’: The Fight for Evacuation Begins

On 11th October 2023, the Indian government decided to announce the commencement of the new mission known as ‘Operation Ajay’. The main purpose of this mission is to rescue Indians who are currently stuck in Israel and help them return to India. The current External Affairs minister S. Jaishankar has announced on Twitter that the mission is going to be launched because of the Indian government’s commitment towards ensuring the safety of its people no matter where they are in this world.

When I tried to know about the recent progress of the mission, I was very pleased upon hearing what I had learned. Currently, the Indian embassy in Israel is contacting all Indian citizens who are present in the Gaza area. They are being contacted by the embassy officials through email or phone. The embassy officials have been able to successfully inform all Indian officials about the flights that they can take to go back to India. However, I do not know whether the Indian military will also play a part in helping the people get out of Israel. I also do not know how many aircraft will be sent by the Indian government to Israel to help the people. However, my faith in the Indian government has been reinstalled due to the immediate response towards helping Indians in Israel when the war is about to get worse.


Will the mission be a success?

As of now, I have learned that the mission might take some time to be completed. The first batch of Indians might come back to India from Israel by today. The Indian embassy has informed all Indians in Israel about the flights that the Indian government has sent to Gaza. The Indian government has also been able to set up helpline numbers for people in Tel Aviv and Ramallah to help Indians in those places. Now the question remains as to whether the mission will be a success. Our External Affairs Minister is already discussing this matter with his counterpart from the United Arab Emirates. However, the presence of Hamas is itself a risk. This is because I fear that the terrorist group might suddenly decide to target Indians, especially the non-Muslim people in the Gaza Strip. Due to the chaos and confusion in this region right now, there is a high risk of many innocent Indians not being able to make it back home due to the violence going on. The Israeli government is also too busy with the war so I do not know whether the Israeli Prime Minister will be able to help our nation save its people. It was very shocking to know that there might be more than 18000 Indians present in Israel right now. However, I cross my fingers hoping that the mission will be a success due to so many helpline arrangements that the Indian embassy and government have been able to set up. However, I am still fearful about the entire situation. This is because Hamas is refusing to give up and Hezbollah militants are also joining the war. Honestly, I do not know whether the people of my country will be able to safely return on flights since a lot of aerial bombings and rocket launches are happening in the Gaza Strip right now. Therefore, the chances of sudden casualties during the war are very high. However, I believe that the Narendra Modi government will use the best measures to deal with the situation and maybe even seek help from the Israeli government to help Indians flee from the place. Only time will tell whether the mission will be a success or not.

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