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Global Terrorism Resurfaces Once Again: Learn More about the Attack by Hamas on Israel

by | Oct 9, 2023 | World News | 0 comments

One of the major problems that continue to plague the world and cause violence is global terrorism. And by global terrorism, I mean to refer to certain groups of people who attack and kill innocent civilians in order to create an atmosphere of fear and insecurity to achieve their own agendas. Several terrorist groups are currently on the rise such as the Taliban, for example, which had occupied Afghanistan earlier this year. As a person from India, the presence of terrorist groups always scared me a lot. In fact, my paranoia got worse after instances such as the 26/11 attacks on Mumbai. Now I am scared and also agitated to know that a terrorist group known as Hamas has now attacked Israel and torturing and killing innocent civilians. Honestly, I did not know anything about what Hamas is and why this conflict is even happening in the first place. Therefore, I decided to take a look into the matter.


What is Hamas?


Hamas is the name of a political party that was founded by Ismail Haniyeh. The main objective of the formation of this group was to protest against Israel after the latter had occupied Gaza which is a part of Palestine. The party was formed in 1987 and has been violently protesting against the occupation of Israel and claims to be trying to free Gaza and its Muslim population from the torment brought upon them by the Israeli forces.


What is the conflict between Israel and Hamas even about?

When I tried to find out what had caused the armed conflict between Israeli forces and the Hamas, I got very confused. This is because both parties are blaming each other as the cause of this conflict. Hamas has blamed the Israeli forces and government for having committed violent atrocities upon Palestinians. This includes targeting Muslim people and not giving them the basic facilities that every person has the right to access.

On the other hand, the Israeli government says that these claims are not true. In fact, it does not admit that the forces of this nation have done anything wrong to the people of Gaza or Palestine as a whole. Instead, the Israeli government has accused Hamas of kidnapping and killing innocent Israeli civilians for a long time. There is also a conflict regarding the Al Aqsa Mosque which is considered to be sacred to both Jews and Muslims. However, I could not find the exact reason as to why this mosque needed to become the centre of all conflicts.

From what I have learned so far, the Israeli government and Hamas are both blaming each other over different issues. Therefore, it is possible that the Israeli government must have done something bad enough to create a war-like situation in the Middle East. However, still, I would like to say that what members of Hamas did recently with women is definitely a violation of human rights no matter what their excuse is. In fact, I believe that political ambitions from both the parties involved here have led to nothing good except for the butchering of common people.


What can be the result of this conflict?

Honestly, I do not know which path this conflict will take and what might be its result. Currently, Israel is being supported by the entire Western world which includes the United Kingdom and the United States of America alongside other nations. On the other hand, Islamic nations like Qatar, Iran, and many others in the Middle East are supporting Hamas. Currently, it’s hard to tell as to whether the conflict will take a very serious form. In fact, it is happening at a time when the Taliban has occupied Afghanistan and the Russian forces have occupied Ukraine and all of these scenarios are problematic to the Western nations. Therefore, I believe that either the conflict will end quickly or will linger on till a third world war eventually ends up happening because of so many conflicts. What also baffles me is that many anonymous people are supporting Hamas on social media platforms like Twitter and Facebook despite the way they tortured innocent women and children. So only time will tell as to whether this conflict will end quickly or not. However, I pray to God that the problem of terrorism ends one day for good so that common people like me and others can sleep peacefully.

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