Anime has grown from a niche hobby into a worldwide cultural phenomenon, captivating fans with its rich storytelling, stunning visuals, and diverse genres. Whether you’re new to anime or a seasoned viewer, there’s always a fresh perspective to discover. This...
INTRODUCTION In 2024, the same situation remains in the entertainment industry around the world: the richest actors, who turned talent into money. Some of the most famous celebrities that it comprises are Tyler Perry and Jerry Seinfeld, Dwayne Johnson, Shah Rukh Khan,...
Introduction to Ottoman Empire During the 15th and 16th centuries, Turkish tribes in Anatolia (Asia Minor) created the Ottoman Empire, and these increased to prominence as one of the most powerful countries in historiography. The rule of the Ottoman Empire continued...
Nag Ashwin’s dystopian sci-fi epic Kalki 2898 AD, which was rumored in the media for a long time, has escaped the typical pan Indian film distribution patterns, and is available to watch on Netflix India as well as on the Prime Video India. This rather unique movie...