No one can be oblivious to the iconic poster in mostly yellow and blue backgrounds that has a beaming Shah Rukh Khan carrying a smiling Kajol on his shoulders. In the poster, while Shah Rukh Khan was seen donning a black leather jacket and hat, Kajol was seen dressed...
Bollywood, with its glamour and glitz, often conceals untold stories behind the scenes. One such intriguing tale is the enigmatic scene from the timeless classic “Devdas,” where love and turmoil on and off the screen intersected. The film, directed by the...
It seems has become the pejorative of the Hindi film industry to overlook the deep social, cultural, religious and historical emotions of the various sections of society. Whether it is the belittling of the most revered Hindu epic of ‘Ramayana’ in the Om Raut-directed...
It is no wonder that, whenever there is Shah Rukh Khan, there will be something interesting going to happen. Whether it is his marvellous performance in his recently launched chartbuster ‘Pathaan’ or his forthcoming movie ‘Jawan’ that has already created much hype and...
The actor’s Shah Rukh Khan and Kajol have been an iconic duo on the screen, entertaining the audience with their palpable romance that has touched the audience in their hearts every time they have appeared before them. However, the duos are also famous among...
Deepika Padukone, the Bollywood diva and reigning queen of hearts, has had her fair share of romances before finding her forever love with Ranveer Singh. While we all adore the power couple of Bollywood, it’s interesting to take a trip down memory lane and...