When it comes to any series on the popular over-the-top platform (OTT) of Netflix, it has never failed to surprise us with its variety of content. This time DC Comics have decided not to begin with another chapter unless they successfully wrap themselves up with their...
“Pushpa Sunke Flower Samjha Kya? Flower Nahi, Fire Hoon Main”, is the dialogue that once had the entire country go crazy over it. The first part of the movie ‘Pushpa: The Rise ‘ saw the actor Allu Arjun winning the National Award for the best actor in a movie...
The 7th of September this year has marked an auspicious day in the life of Shah Rukh Khan, the maker of the movie as well as his millions and millions of fans as the day broke with the entire country grooving to the lyrics of ‘Zinda Banda’ and ‘Chaleya’ from the...
It is no new news to the fans of the ‘Spy Kids Universe’ lovers that the creator and producer of the series Robert Rodriguez has always been captivating them with thrillers since the day the concept of the ‘Spy Kids Universe’ was conceived in the year 2001. Released...
It’s that time of year again when the days get longer, the air gets colder, and you want to watch scary movies. The release of “The Nun 2,” the follow-up to the 2018 smash, was undoubtedly a date that horror fans eagerly anticipated. After all, the...
iQOO Z6 Pro 5G As we know, iQOO has already made its entry into the Indian market with a few fresh Z-series smartphones. The iQOO Z6 Pro 5G, which was already marked as the company’s pro-Z-series smartphone, has been incorporated into the Pro designation. The...