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Benefits Gardening: A READ IN 2 MINUTES

by | Feb 7, 2024 | Nature | 0 comments

Benefits of gardening

Gardening is an activity that’s good for both the mind and body, and can be enjoyed by people of all ages. In this ever-changing fast paced world, after a hard day’s work, all one can think of is hitting the bed and blacking out from tiredness. Sometimes we forget to hit the gym or even take a much-needed 30 minutes’ walk due to lack of fatigue and being occupied elsewhere. We forget how important it is to leave the mundane existence of our everyday life and just connect with nature and take a much-required reprieve.

Sometimes a simple thing like gardening  can provide a much easier and soothing alternative to release stress and also the various benefits of gardening to both mental and physical health.Often people assume that taking a break usually means taking a vacation or doing something strenuous like hiking or some other outdoor physical activities to relieve stress but gardening can be a much low key alternative to escape from our mundane life once in a while.

My mother in her old age has taken up gardening; it’s very humbling to watch how much time and hard work she dedicates to the plants she grows in our garden, the happiness in her eyes whenever she sees any flowers bloom is so gratifying.

As a young kid living in a hostel, every weekend we worked in the grounds under the morning sun pulling out wild weeds, watering the plants, watching the plants grow, and then enjoying the fruits of our labor under the afternoon sun, such memories can never truly be forgotten. Even now as I help out my mother during weekends with the plants I find that the simple idea of working with the soil and plants keeps me grounded and centered. It’s fun to get your hands dirty every so often.



                    Benefits gardening on physicals health

 Gardening has proven to have numerous benefits on physical health. Gardening requires a host of physical activities mainly motor activities like digging, planting, harvesting, and weeding, adults suffering from weak joints and dexterity can benefit from gardening as it improves strength and fitness. Gardening has proven to reduce stress levels and works wonders for mental and physical health. While gardening. Exposure to the soil and plants can boost immunity systems, which helps in fighting against diseases and illness. Usually, gardening is done outdoors; spending time soaking in the sun can help boost vitamin D which is important for bone health.



                              Benefits of gardening on mental health

Watering soil, benefits of gardeningGardening goes beyond the physical act of planting and nurturing plants; it has profound effects on spiritual health. As hands dig into the soil, there’s a unique connection established with the earth, fostering a sense of grounding and mindfulness. The rhythmic flow of gardening tasks encourages a meditative state, allowing individuals to be present in the moment and find solace in the simple acts of nurturing life.  

Witnessing the growth and transformation of plants mirrors the cycles of life, offering a profound reflection of one’s journey. In these moments of communion with nature, a deeper spiritual connection often emerges, providing a sense of tranquility and a reminder of the connection of all living things. Gardening can also be therapeutic as it instills focus and attention, improving concentration and mind clarity.


Benefits of gardening on mental health

Introducing children to gardening can have a multitude of positive effects on their development. Beyond the joy of watching seeds sprout into vibrant plants, gardening cultivates essential life skills. Children learn responsibility as they care for their plants, fostering a sense of ownership and pride. The hands-on experience also enhances sensory awareness, as they feel the textures of soil, leaves, and flowers, stimulating cognitive development.

Moreover, gardening provides a valuable lesson in patience, as youngsters eagerly await the fruits of their labor. This outdoor activity not only promotes physical exercise but also instills a deep appreciation for nature, encouraging environmental consciousness from an early age. In essence, gardening becomes a holistic educational tool, nurturing not only plants but also the well-rounded growth of the children involved.


Gardening, flower, benefits of gardening

“The glory of gardening: hands in the dirt, head in the sun, heart with nature. To nurture a garden is to feed not just the body, but the soul”. –

Alfred Austin




Gardening should be fun and a rewarding activity. We should take our time and energy to appreciate the process and beauty of planting a garden and take care of what we are creating with our hands. Gardening takes us away from a world of sorrow and pain and into a world of beauty colors and freshness and the youthful vitality of plants.

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