Action movies have long been a staple of the film industry, captivating audiences with their thrilling stunts and intense fight sequences. The “Extraction” series, overseen and conceived by the Russo Brothers, continues this tradition by presenting us with...
Kajol and Kriti Sanon, two well-known Bollywood actresses, will be seen again playing the lead in a new mystery thriller on Netflix called ‘Do Patti’. Earlier, eight years ago, they worked together in the movie ‘Dilwale’ and are now reuniting for the upcoming suspense...
Samsung Galaxy Z Fold 5 and Samsung Galaxy Z Flip 5 will be launched globally on July 26 at the second Galaxy Unpacked event of the year. Samsung is holding this event in Seoul for the first time. The South Korean tech giant is expected to introduce the Samsung Galaxy...
Since its inception, the Friday the 13th franchise has left an indelible mark on the horror genre. With its masked slasher icon, Jason Voorhees, and a trail of terror spanning multiple films, it has become a staple of the genre. In this article, we will delve into the...
In a shocking turn of events, actress-turned-producer Kriti Sanon and renowned fashion designer Manish Malhotra find themselves at the centre of a storm over their upcoming biopic on the legendary actress Meena Kumari. Meena Kumari, known for her mesmerizing...