India too had a bloody history when it comes to Organized crime, albeit not as popular. Starting right from the streets of Mumbai Indian to the rural areas of Punjab the country has witnessed many men of the ill-repute. Among them, five stand out as the most infamous:...
INTRODUCTION The first was Tata Nano which was launched in 2008 is an excellent example of automobiles that were built on revolutionary concept of developing cars for middle class Indian people. Famously branded at the “world’s cheapest car,” it was essentially...
Introduction Scam processes have assumed a new face in the contemporary world to exploit the available technologies and human ailments. These fraudulent activities resulted to exploit revenue, embarrassment, and invasion of individual and organizational privacy. Most...
It seems, therefore that to impress a girl, it does not lie in the large heartedness or handsome looks of a man. It needs honesty, recognition, and perception of what really makes the difference, that is, truly the interpersonal relationship. If one aims at...
Dehradun Accident: It has come to the notice of Dehradun authorities that conductor and head Siddhesh Agarwal was the only survivor of the horrific car accident that took the lives of six young passengers. The crash, which occurred in the early hours of Tuesday,...