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A controversy In India about the former US President Barack Obama statements on Muslim Rights

by | Jun 28, 2023 | Current News | 0 comments

The Economic success will depend on the unity across for the faith and community lines that has been said Mr. Obama. He has been sounding the alarm on the issue for the day since when he was the president.

In New Delhi:- As India could “separate” if the rights of  religious and ethnic minorities are not upheld by the former US President that is Barack Obama said on Thursday. In an interview with CNN’s Christiane Amanpour, The remarks that were made in the response to Ms. Amanpour’s question that is about President Biden’s policy on defending the democracy around the world. According to President Biden, who you know very well, has made the protecting democracy and the centerpiece of his administration. He was called the president of China a dictator and the remains one. He also hosted the Indian Prime Minister  Modi, who is considered an autocrat or at least an illiberal democrat. Like the party there should a president deal with such of the leaders? What is this behave which was either by naming  them or by dealing with them,” asked Amanpour.

Barack Obama:- Mr. Barack Obama, who is one of President Of Biden’s biggest supporters in the Democratic Party had concerned about his opinion. When the president of US meets Indian Prime Minister Modi, about the protection of the Muslim minority against the Hindu majority in India deserves a mention. Mr. Obama said according to him that If I were to talk to Prime Minister Modi, whom I know well, part of his argument that would be that if you don’t want to protect the rights of ethnic minorities in India then there is a good chance that India will eventually break up. we saw what was happened when you start having such big internal conflicts. Thus, it would be against the interests for not only of Muslim India but also of Hindu India. I think that it’s important to be able to talk about these things honestly. Obama expressed his concern about the rights of vulnerable sections of Indian society and had stressed that the Biden administration was should discuss these issues “openly” with the Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi.

Indian minister scoffs at Obama’s comments on Muslim protection.

Minister Nirmala Sitharaman said her opinion :- India’s finance minister Minister Nirmala Sitharaman has been mocked from the former  President Barack Obama’s comments that the Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s government must have to protect the rights of minority Muslims, accusing Obama of hypocrisy. During PM Modi’s state visit to the US last week, Obama told CNN that the issue of “protecting the Muslim minority in majority Hindu India” should be raised when Modi meets the US President Joe Biden. Without such protection, Obama said, “there is a strong possibility that  at some point India will begin to withdraw.” Indian Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman said she was shocked about that Obama  made such a remarks on when Modi visited the US to deepen ties. In a press conference on Sunday as Sitharaman said he had commented on Indian Muslims… after bombing Muslim-majority countries from Syria to Yemen… during his presidency,”. When Mr. Modi campaigned in the US – and by campaign I mean  India – the former US president spoke about Muslims in India. He went on to say that India wanted good relations with the US, but “even then we get remarks about religious tolerance in India”. Sitharaman added that the US  bombed Muslim-majority countries, including Syria and Yemen, while  Obama was in power. She went on to say that India wanted good relations with the US, but “even then we get remarks about religious tolerance in India”. “Why would anyone listen to any allegations from such people?”. The US State Department has expressed concern about the treatment of Muslims and other religious minorities in India under Modi’s Hindu nationalist party. The Indian government says it treats all citizens equally. Biden said he would discuss about the human rights and other democratic values ​​during talks with Modi at the White House. In a press conference with Biden last week, Modi denied  discrimination against minorities during his administration.

Barack Hussein Obama II statements on Muslim rights:

Obama said in an interview which was in last week that India could begin to “start pulling apart” if minority rights are not protected. He was responding to a CNN interviewer who called the Indian leader an “illiberal democrat” and asked how President Biden should deal with such people. Prime Minister Narendra Modi was  on a state visit to the US at the time. The three-day visit was marked by a festive reception at the White House, a sumptuous state dinner and the signing of several important agreements. Modi also addressed a joint session of the US Congress. President Obama’s comments, made in an interview with CNN’s Christiane Amanpour that aired before he addressed Congress, were widely reported in India.  Obama said it was “difficult” but cited his  experience  with allies who may not have run “ideal democratic governments” but  had to maintain relations with for different reasons. He added that it is “appropriate” for the US president to publicly or privately challenge “disturbing trends” whenever possible. When the President meets PM Modi,  the protection of India’s Hindu-majority Muslim minority is something worth mentioning. If I were to speak to Prime Minister Modi, who I know well, part of my argument would be that if you don’t protect the rights of ethnic minorities in India,  there is a good chance that India will be divided one day. point ” he said, adding that it would be against India’s interests.

In the United States:- Mr. Modi has been warmly received by the business leaders and the members of the large and influential Indian diaspora and which includes many Silicon Valley CEOs. However, there are also protests against his government that is led by the Hindu nationalist BJP, which is accused of not doing enough to tackle violence and discrimination against the minorities. During his visit the 75 Democrats wrote a letter to Biden which urging him to raise human rights  with  Modi. Some of them, including representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, boycotted his address to Congress. Modi also said during a joint press conference with Mr. Biden that  under his government “there is no room for discrimination,” in response to a question about the rights of Muslims and other minorities in India.

On Sunday in twitter Narendra Modi tweeted that he agreed with Mr Biden that the friendship between the two countries was one of the “greatest in all over the world”.  The federal ministers’ and their comments came days after the BJP chief minister’s tweet sparked a controversy.

Mr Obama who hosted PM Modi once in September 2014 and twice in 2016 and Mr Modi hosted him in Delhi in January 2015 when the US President was also the ‘Chief Guest’ at the Republic Day celebrations. Barack Obama made expressed his concern about the social harmony in India during his official visit. In a speech at Siri Fort Auditorium on 27 January 2015, he said that India’s success as a national economy depends on its “unity”. is it more important than India. There is no need to store this core value anywhere. India will prosper as long as it is not divided by religious faith – as long as it is not divided along any line – and is united as one nation.

Himanta Biswa Sarma Assam Chief Minister Himanta Biswa Sarma has tweeted that India has many Hussain Obamas to look after. He was responding to a journalist’s sarcastic tweet asking if Obama had been convicted for  his comments about India. Some opposition politicians accused  Sarma of issuing a “veiled threat” to India’s Muslim population.Where the Political scientist Ashutosh Varshney told that the Washington Post that  Sarma’s tweet mentioning  Obama’s middle name was a way to “twist” his remarks as it “made by a Muslim,” even though the former president does not practice Islam. After the controversy,  Sarma told that the indian medias that he stood by his tweet.

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