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5 Paranormal Activities, Practical & Spiritual Explanation.

by | Aug 7, 2024 | Mysteries, historical, Lifestyle, Nature Facts, Science Fact, Travel | 0 comments


In the entire world, we all have faced at least one paranormal activities in our lives, but mostly we are all unknown about the reason.

Paranormal activities are mainly the events or incidents that are impossible to explain by any scientific or any kind of natural law. Examples include ghosts, spirits, psychokinesis, and unexplained sounds or views. All these activities always connected supernatural powers or the spiritual presence.

Now, what are these activities? Is this being ghosts, spirits, technologies, or any other entities? Surely, we will get to know some scientific explanations and spiritual explanations with some examples of events that make everyone scared off.

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Paranormal Activities



Generally, science explains the paranormal activities through some natural causes. It mainly explains through psychological factors like stress or anxiety caused by the mis-impression of normal, ordinary events. Environmental factors like electromagnetic fields and drafts, which can create weird sensations, Sleep phenomena, such as sleep paralysis, may cause vivid hallucinations that are always mistaken for ghostly encounters. Some optical illusions and light tricks can defraud the eyes; cognitive biases reinforce beliefs in these supernatural things. In essence, psychological influences caused these types of paranormal experiences; not only that, it also happens due to environmental conditions, sleep issues, optical illusions, or cognitive biases.

There are some scientists who have explored these paranormal activities, always to debunk myths or understand human psychology.

Some notable scientists include Michael Persinger, a neuroscientist; Richard Wiseman, a psychologist; Susan Blackmore, a psychologist; Carl Sagan, an astrophysicist; and Brian Dunning, a science writer.

These are the scientists who have contributed to understanding and explaining these paranormal experiences through a scientific perspective.

Paranormal Activities



Spiritual beliefs always have a connection with supernatural entities or some unknown forces. All the ghosts are seen as the souls of those who are deceased due to unfinished business. Beliefs say angels and demons sometimes make disturbances or offer some types of protection. Some types of residual energy, mainly from past events, can be replayed as presence or sounds. Some of the traditions also believe in spiritual journeys, where the souls of deceased people encounter other beings. Unresolved incidents that occur naturally may also be brought about by elemental entities. In reincarnation beliefs, the rebirth of any soul in different bodies can lead to some paranormal experiences.

There are some famous people who have shared their experiences in spiritual activities.

Here are some notable examples, like Oprah Winfrey, Jim Carrey, Russell Brand, Shirley MacLaine, and Deepak Chopra.

These are the celebrities who have publicly discussed their spiritual experiences, providing a broader dialogue about spirits and personal transformations.

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Paranormal Activities


  • The Amityville Horror: There was a Lutz family in 1975 who reported that they experienced some paranormal activities in a house in Amityville, New York. Mainly, it caused, as the beliefs say, a mass murder that happened a year earlier.


Paranormal Activities


  • The Enfield Poltergeist: It was the 1970s; there was a family in Enfield, London, who claimed that the house they were in was mainly a haunted house where they faced some types of paranormal activities like moving furniture, strange sounds, and a young girl speaking in others voices. It is being investigated by a concerned team that seeks media attention.


Paranormal Activities


  • The Bell Witch: It was 19th century, and about the Bell family of Adams, Tennessee, they reported that they were being harassed by an invisible entity known as the Bell Witch. The entity probably spoke, was attacked, and even predicted future incidents.


Paranormal Activities


  • The Borley Rectory: This mainly gained fame in the early 20th century as the house experienced some famous activities like ghost entity apparitions, some unexplained footsteps, and some unknown messages written on walls. These activities were researched by the paranormal researcher Harry Price; it’s known to be one of the most famous cases in the UK.


Paranormal Activities


  • The Myrtles Plantation: The place in Louisiana was mainly evidently haunted by several ghosts. This was reported by the visitors and owners, who said they had seen phantoms, unexplained sounds, and also paranormal phenomena. The place is famous for ghost hunters and tourist destinations.


These events captured the public’s thinking, combining incidents with tradition and contributing to the ongoing fascination with the paranormal.




Paranormal Activities


  • Povelia Island is one of the most haunted places in the world and is located in the Venetian Lagoon. It is closed to tourists due to its history of death and suffering.


Paranormal Activities



Paranormal Activities


  • Eastern State Penitentiary: It is about the former prison that is located in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and it is famous for its creepy atmosphere and paranormal phenomena. Some visitors reported paranormal phenomena and sightings of supernatural entities.


Paranormal Activities


  • Aokigahara Forest: The forest is referred to as “Suicide Forest” and is located in the Mount Fuji base, or the place where people come to finish up their lives. Some ghostly sightings and a sense of foreboding were reported due to the dense nature of the forest and the quiet atmosphere, which mainly contributed to its creepy reputation.


Paranormal Activities


  • Bhangarh Fort: This is about the abandoned fort located in Rajasthan, India. Visitors reported hearing unexplained sounds and seeing apparitions, feeling the presence of some entities mainly after sunset.



To sum up, people from all over the world remain enchanted and charmed by paranormal activities, which blend technological advances, folklore, and personal experience. The enchantment with the paranormal and the unknown persists, although the fact that several claims of paranormal activities can be explained by psychological problems, environmental factors, sleep disorders, and cognitive biases. These interactions can be clarified further by spiritual beliefs, which connect them to supernatural beings and extraterrestrial entities. The public’s attention is sparked by well-known examples and celebrity responses, which maintains an ongoing debate between skepticism and thought. In the end, studies on paranormal activities are an indication of people’s continuous fascination with the mysteries that sit beyond the scope of conventional knowledge.

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