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SALEMA PORGY : A Natural Alternative to LSD for Mind Expansion

by | Feb 5, 2024 | Entertainment, Nature Facts, Science Fact | 0 comments


People have consumed a variety of illicit substances, such as alcohol and LSD, to achieve a state of intoxication, and new intoxicants are being developed and introduced to humans, but there are rare substances in nature that are much more potent intoxicants. Salema porgy fish is one of them. There is no need to seek different alternatives for intoxication anymore, as this fish can give you a high level of intoxication with symptoms like muscle weakness, blurred vision, and vomiting persisting and worsening. The intoxication can last for about 36 hours, or more than a day and a half, and can give you hallucinations and nightmares, almost the same as LSD.

You must be wondering what that fish is. Where does it originate from? Can it really be eaten?

Image: Sarpa Salpa or Dream fish (Salema Porgy)

Let’s find out completely. A harmless, small-looking silver-colored fish with yellow or orange stripes can attract anyone in the first place. The fish known as SALEMA PORGY or SARPA SALPA (in Arabic, it means ‘the fish that makes you dream) is mostly found in the Atlantic Ocean of the western coast of the African continent. Eating this fish can cause a strange condition called ichthyoallyeinotoxism, a rare kind of food poisoning contracted following the ingestion of fish. Which is a hallucinogenic fish inebriation. But the fish is difficult to track down because the scientists are still trying to figure out the substance inside the fish that causes this rare phenomenon. Although the scientists think it is a natural phenomenon that occurs alkaloid in phytoplankton that has a similarity with the composition of LSD,.

Image: Sarpa Salpa Can be consumed.

Of course, in earlier days, many people used to get drunk by eating this fish. In the year 1994, a 40-year-old man in Cannes who consumed this fish started feeling bilious after returning to his place. Even he has seen hallucinations of giant creatures on the way back. He somehow managed to get to the nearest hospital, got admitted, and recovered to his normal state after 36 hours. But the strange thing is that he had no memory left of what happened to him previously. Another incident took place in 2002, when a 90-year-old man, after purchasing, cleaning, and eating the fish in Saint Tropez, also on the French Riviera, started feeling hallucinations of many humans screaming and many birds squawking. Even for a couple of nights, he had horrifying nightmares, but he didn’t let anyone know, thinking he was developing a mental illness for his age. Fortunately, the effects subsided after two days and returned to normal. These infernal hallucinations, both auricular and perceptible, distinguish the phenomenon known as ichthyoallyeinotoxism, a rare poisoning following the consumption of certain fish. Catherine Jadot, a marine biologist from the Reef Ball Foundation who researched the fish, says such intoxication can trigger disturbances in the human nervous system and cause effects similar to those of LSD. So, if you want to get high next time, Sarpa Salpa can be a good alternative for you.

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