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by | Feb 6, 2024 | History | 0 comments

Shri Tirupati Balaji is a temple in India which earns two hundred to three hundred crores rupees every month only in donations. One lakh twenty thousand crores, this is not just a number but the net worth of Shri Tirupati Balaji, This temple is one of the richest temples in India.There are hundreds of temples in India which are known for their miracles and amazing wonders, millions of people go every year to see their miracles and such is the miraculous and mysterious story of Shri Tirupati Balaji Temple.

Shri Tirupati Balaji temple is located in Chittoor district of Andhra Pradesh state in South India, it is believed that Lord Vishnu and Mother Lakshmi reside here.We all know that Tirupati Balaji temple is one of the richest and revered temples in India. This temple is the richest but it is said that Tirupati Balaji, who is worshiped in this temple, is himself poor and in debt, Their is story behind it.

Once Mahan Rishi Bhrigu son of Lord Brahmadev went to trinity one by one to test which one among the trinity is best. When he reached Vaikuntha dham to see Lord Vishnu, he saw Lord Vishnu was resting with his head in the lap of Goddess Lakshmi, Seeing this Rishi Bhrigu got very angry of his behaviour and he kicked Lord Vishnu’s chest, due to which Lord Vishnu stood up and said, “Are your feet hurt?”I am blessed by the touch of your feet, seeing this innocent behaviour of Lord Vishnu, Rishi Bhrigu started to crying and apologised and after that he declared Lord Vishnu best of all among trinity. But due to this behaviour of Rishi Bhrigu , Goddess Lakshmi became very angry and when Lord Vishnu didn’t give any punishment to Rishi Bhrigu she left Vaikuntha dham in anger. When Lord Vishnu started searching for the Goddess, he came to know Mother Laskhmi was born on earth in form of a girl named Padmaavati in a house of a king , then only Lord Vishnu was born on earth in form of a person named Shri Nibas He went and started searching for princess Padmaavati and when he found her, he proposed her for marriage which the princess accepted. Now the question came that where would the money for the marriage come from? To solve this problem Lord Vishnu took a loan of lot of money from King kuber and took this promise that he will repay his loan before the end of kaliyuga. Reason for believing in being in debt to God devotees use to donate huge amount in Sri Tirupati Balaji, So that Lord Vishnu can became debt free, it is said that Lord Vishnu reside in Tirupati Balaji in the form of Venkateshwar Swami.

The Idol established in Tirupti Balaji was not made by anyone but was manifested by the Lord himself, it is said that Lord Vishnu resides here. There is a stick on the right hand side of the door at the main entrance of the temple, it is said when Lord Vishnu was young, his mother use to beat him with that stick, due to which there was an injury on his chin, hence to this day sandalwood is applied on his chin every Friday as a medicine, not only this the hair on this Idol is also absolutely real. You will be surprised to know that the hair of the Idol that is fifteen thousand years old is still very soft,silky and clean. There is a famous tradition of hair donation in this temple, before or after fulfilment of the wishes people donate their hair here, about twenty thousand people donate their hair here everyday. It is said that in ancient time, when Lord Vishnu came to the earth, he meet with an accident and lost some of his hair and the princess Nila Devi of Gandhar, seeing this accident, cut a part of her beautiful hair and placed it on Lord Vishnus’s head, Then God told her that hair enhances the beauty of the body and you given up you for my sake, so from now onwards whoever gives up the hair on my feet, their wish will be fulfilled, Since then the tradition of donating that hair has been going on, and not only hair the devotees who come here donate a lot of money, gold and silver as per their devotion, because of which this temple considered the richest temple.

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