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Man Brings Home The “King” To Kill His Wife

by | Nov 27, 2023 | Crime | 0 comments

When it comes to killing someone as well as escaping the murder charges, people who are adamant about escaping the law can go to any extent and craft out quirky but crooked plans to execute their schemes. Owing to a plethora of reasons, people tend to do away with the lives of their loved ones or anyone they know well.

As murdering someone calls for the death penalty or lifetime imprisonment, an individual thinking of killing someone will look for unique ways to conduct the deadly act without getting caught.

Crime fiction is sometimes the source of inspiration to commit heinous crimes and to get away with the criminal act. People tend to forget that they can’t escape the law, and the police will nab them sooner or later. No one can escape the clutches of the law or the police!


Man Brings Home A “King Cobra” To Murder His Spouse


In a highly tragic incident that shook up the entire state of Odisha and the country recently, a man was arrested on charges of murdering his wife and daughter by using a King Cobra. The Odia police arrested the accused, a man who goes by the name Ganesh Patra, for wickedly planning and executing this immensely sinister crime.

Ganesh Patra, who is in his mid-20s, committed this horrific crime with the supposed motive of financial gain. The revelation of this gruesome crime has left the local neighbourhood of the accused and the state of Odisha in utter shock!

This is unlike any other regular murder case; it is a carefully planned crime with an evil thought process behind it. The accused, Ganesh Patra, has been arrested now and will soon face a court trial.


Is Marital Dispute The Main Cause Behind This Crime?

According to reports from the neighbourhood of the accused, Ganesh Patra, Patra was involved in a marital dispute with his 23-year-old spouse, Basanti Patra. Ganesh Patra tied the nuptial knot with Basanti Patra (his wife, whom Patra is charged with murdering using a cobra snake) in the year 2020, and the couple also had a daughter named Debasmita Patra, who is dead now.

As reported by the police, on the night of 6th October, Ganesh Patra brought home a deadly King Cobra snake and released the slithering creature into the room where his daughter and wife were sleeping.

Little did they know that a poisonous creature was slowly slithering its way towards them. As their fate wished for, both Ganesh’s wife and daughter got bitten by the poisonous serpent subsequently. The following day, it was discovered that both Basanti Patra and Debasmita Patra were lying on the bed, still and unresponsive. Subsequently, it was found that both of them had snake bites on their bodies and were declared dead.



A Preplanned Sinister Crime

According to reports, the accused, Ganesh Patra, procured the deadly serpent from a local snake charmer by citing the fact that the snake would be used for religious purposes.

This particular information sheds light on the preplanned nature of this crime and the extent to which the accused, Ganesh Patra, was adamant about executing his utterly wicked scheme.

The name of the village where this immensely sinister criminal activity took place is Adheibara, which falls under the Kabisuryanagar Police and comes under the Ganjam District of Odisha.


How Did The Accused Get Arrested?

The police officers had registered a case of unnatural death in the beginning; however, they started doubting Ganesh Patra after his father-in-law registered an official police report against Patra and charged him with murder.

A month later, after this incident, the police finally took Ganesh Patra into custody. This was followed by a long period of interrogation of Patra by the police. He finally accepted his crime after the officers started interrogating him strictly. He continuously declined to have devised this horrific plan to murder his wife using snakebite as a medium initially, but confessed to his crime later on.

A marital dispute or the lure of collecting government compensation that the government gives to the victims who have suffered snake bites allegedly made Ganesh Patra commit this sinister crime.



During The Investigation

Furthermore, what made the police doubt the deaths of Ganesh Patra’s wife and daughter was how the two deaths took place. The snake bites were seen exactly in the same areas (just above the right leg’s ankle bone) of the daughter and the wife.

Upon suspicion, the police officers sought the help of a snake expert to get a clue. The snake expert claimed that it is impossible for a snake as poisonous as the King Cobra to bite a person and still be in the room, as cobras avoid interactions of any kind with humans. Cobras tend to escape the place immediately after biting a living animal.

The expert also added that it seems like the woman and her daughter were heavily sedated earlier; thus, they didn’t get the scope to scream after the snakebite. Ganesh Patra also claimed that he had found the snake later in the morning and had beaten it to death.


The Culprit Be Punished

Inspector in Charge of the Kabisuryanagar Police Station, Mr. Prabhat Sahoo, added that Ganesh Patra had earlier visited a snake charmer and asked for a cobra snake. Patra cited the reason to the snake charmer: he had a ritual to perform at his home and, hence, needed that creature. Mr. Sahoo added that his police team is probing the complete role of the snake charmer in this case.

The Superintendent of Police defined this case as a “very rare crime.” A crime of similar nature was committed in the state of Kerala in the year 2020, and the accused in the Kerala case was nabbed by the police and later sentenced to jail.

Ganesh Patra will face a court trial soon, and justice will surely prevail in the days to come. We all must remember that we can’t escape the clutches of the law, and everyone will have to serve their punishment owing to the crimes they committed.

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