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The “Odd” One Out: Can Reintroduction Of The Odd-Even Scheme For Cars In Delhi Curb The Rising Air Pollution Level?

by | Nov 14, 2023 | Current News | 0 comments

The national capital of India, Delhi, is infamous for suffering from a year-long, perilous level of air pollution. Since the last few years, the national capital’s pair of lungs have been choked by the dramatic rise in air pollution. Distinctly, in the chilly winter months, when the air settles down easily on the surface, Delhi’s air quality can be seen getting worse day by day.

The awful air quality directly or indirectly affects the lives of Delhiites. There has been a surge in medical cases across Delhi, owing to the rising air pollution. During the early hours of the day, heavy layers of smog can be seen, covering and distorting the views from the earth’s surface.


More Insights Into The Recent Development

AAP (Aam Aadmi Party) recently made public that it is planning to reintroduce the odd-even plan of action for cars soon after the Supreme Court Of India reviews the scheme and orders to go ahead with the decision. According to AAP minister Mr. Gopal Rai, the odd-even scheme will begin on November 13th and run until November 20th.

It will be a deliberate and hopeful attempt by the Delhi government to lessen the drastic negative effects of air pollution across the national capital. However, the question of the moment remains: will all this effectively keep the level of pollution in check? It’s a highly debatable question, and Delhiites are divided into two sections: the first section is in support of the odd-even scheme, and the second part is highly doubtful of its positive impact.



Is Parali Burning To Be Blamed?

Recently, the CPCB (Central Pollution Control Board) recorded an AQI (Air Quality Index) of 488 in Delhi. Mr. Harish Khurana, from the Delhi BJP secretariat, recently shared his views on the recent development. Mr. Khurana said that parali burning has been the primary cause of the terrible air quality in the national capital over the last few days.

There are countless incidents of stubble burning across North-Indian states, especially in all parts of Punjab that add on to the worst-case scenarios. Some people strongly believe that stubble burning must not be blamed solely, as other notable causes, such as real estate construction, vehicular pollution, and several others, equally play a pivotal role in the detrimental decrease in the air quality of Delhi.


What AAP’s Environment Ministry Decided?

A few days ago, the Delhi Secretariat of AAP initiated an extensive meeting that was convened by CM Mr. Arvid Kejriwal. An elaborate discussion was held to fight back against the worsening air quality standards across Delhi. During the meeting, it was observed that the air pollution level in Delhi has crossed the permissible limit and is several notches higher than it should have been.

The Delhi government always puts the health of Delhiites as its first priority, and subsequent to a detailed discussion with the ministers, the decision to reintroduce the odd-even plan of action was fixed. The present ruling government in Delhi is highly optimistic about this move and hopes that the odd-even scheme will help to lessen the hazardous effects of pollution.



Can Reintroduction Curb The Rising Air Pollution Level In Delhi?

According to several reports, the odd-even scheme does little to no wonders in curbing the extent of air pollution. Although notably, the plan of action does aid in reducing the traffic jams on the busy roads of Delhi. The primary reason behind the odd-even plan of action not showing promising and positive impact to bring down the dramatic rise of air pollution is that there is an insufficient supply of public transport on the roads of Delhi.

During times of scarcity, several car owners opt for app-cab services to reach their destination. The startling fact remains that a vast number of car owners do book app cabs, which ultimately results in a worsening of the situation. Bikes, which are exempt from the scheme, are known to cause more pollution than four-wheelers.

It is because bikes run on two-stroke engines that get fueled by gasoline and oil, which actually leads to more pollution. Despite its flaws, the odd-even scheme is seen as a rightful solution to decrease the ill-effect of air pollution. Lastly, the complete compliance of Delhiites is necessary to fight back against the evil clutches of air pollution.

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