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10 Foods to Limit or Avoid to Lose Belly Fat

by | Aug 14, 2023 | Lifestyle | 0 comments

Nowadays, it’s really important to improve health and aesthetic value. And reducing belly fat can be one of the ways to reduce the risk of many health problems.

For instance, visceral fat is belly fat that majorly contributes to type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and other conditions. Even a higher body mass index may pose a risk of obesity and several metabolic disorders.

Though losing belly fat may seem difficult at first, once you are focused and follow restrictions on certain foods, it might prove beneficial in reducing abdominal fat. People often follow several ways to do so, such as daily exercise, limiting food, and changing their lifestyle.

Some nutritionists give the mantra “Cut the – CRAP” to reduce belly fat, which means reducing Cocktails, Refined foods, Additives, and Preservatives. But apart from that, many other food items can reduce belly fat if monitored properly.

Well, in this blog, we will mainly focus on the foods that will be helpful to reduce belly fat.

  1. Limit Munching

One of the ways that will help you shed unwanted belly fat is by cutting out unhealthy snacking. Because foods like salty potato chips are not only salty but also loaded with unhealthy hydrogenated oils, which contribute to increased cholesterol and heart disease, Moreover, since they are salty, which contains sodium, our body holds onto water weight. Furthermore, munching on snacks is unhealthy as you are feeding your tummy low-nutritive food that is meant to just satisfy your taste buds, not provide nutrition to the body.


  1. Dairy products

Some people are lactose intolerant, which, when consumed in the form of milk, produces gas and bloating in the body. Instead, switch to cow’s milk or nut milk if you are lactose intolerant. Even avoid or limit cheese, as it takes a longer period to digest and produces stubborn body fat. Consume yoghurt, as it is good for intestinal microflora.


  1. Bakery products


The first thing one should eliminate from their diet is processed bakery items to shred excess belly fat. All bakery products may feel mouthwatering to a sweet tooth, but they have high carbs and are loaded with refined sugar and preservatives. They are also backed up with maida (all-purpose flour), which takes a prolonged time to digest and is sometimes stored as fat. Even though they are very low in terms of nutritional value, substituting them with a healthy, balanced meal can be an optimal solution to reduce excess abdominal fat.


  1. Sugary Beverages

Along with eating habits, drinking habits should also be monitored to stay healthy and reduce belly fat. For example, sugary beverages like soda contain added preservatives and sugar, which can contribute to a high level of blood sugar, which might pose a risk of diabetes and hinder weight loss. The obvious symptom of hypoglycemia or hyperglycemia is an increase in appetite. So it is advisable to avoid sugar-containing drinks and switch to normal or lukewarm water.


  1. Deep-fried or fried products

Almost all people in all age groups enjoy fried or deep-fried products. To explain it in a better way, everyone enjoys French fries, vegetable or chicken nuggets, and frozen fritters ready to fry. Simply put, anything fried doesn’t do anything good for the body; it’s just greasy fast food, which tastes good for your taste buds but in a way contributes to weight gain and an increase in bad cholesterol levels. Hence, avoiding oily, fried, or deep-fried food is not only good for flattening your belly but also contributes largely to lifelong health.


  1. Sweets and added sugar products

Refined sugar sweeteners may taste good, but they leave one with metabolic disorders and excess belly fat. They increase blood sugar levels, which leads to the accumulation of fat around the belly. Avoid such sweetened products, and if you crave and cannot withstand the urge, then maple syrup or honey can be better options, which are natural products. A kind note here is to make a habit of reading the ingredient list on packaged foods, as added sugar is included in the coded list of healthy products.


  1. Refined Carbs

Restrain yourself from eating processed carbohydrates such as white bread, rice, and pasta; instead, choose high-protein, low-carb food products such as whole grains, legumes, etc.


  1. Liquor consumption

Alcohol consumption can lead to loss of electrolytes, dehydration, and water retention. Water weight can give you a feeling of puffiness, bloating, and swelling in most parts of the body. Even some cocktails are made from sugary fruit juices and syrups, which will shoot up your blood sugar level. Especially beer increases the fat in the abdominal areas; hence, avoiding alcohol can be a good idea if you are looking for a flat belly.


  1. Hydrogenated Trans Fats

Trans fats are not only related to excess belly fat but are also associated with inflammation, heart disease, and insulin resistance. These trans fats are created by pumping hydrogen into unsaturated fats. Cooking oil, like soyabean oil, is an example of hydrogenated trans fat; instead, use sunflower oil.


  1. Avoid add-on items

Many food places offer basic food items with extra cheese, butter, cream, etc. as an add-on to their menu list. Though it may sound tempting to eat a double cheese sandwich or pizza, it is considered junk food that stores excess fat in the abdominal region. Even coffee, if consumed plain, helps in the fat-burning process, but if combined with cream and added sugar, it turns out to be negative for the belly fat-burning process.

As a takeaway, be aware of what you eat and even of the avenues that, if not digested, can increase bloating in the tummy. Thus, to shrink belly fat and achieve improved health, one must shift towards sustainable eating habits.


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