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What is positive mental health, and how can we foster it?

by | Aug 5, 2023 | Lifestyle | 0 comments

What exactly is good mental health?

The World Health Organisation defines good mental health as a condition of well-being in which people can:


  • to reach their full potential
  • Work efficiently
  • to cope with life’s typical stresses
  • Contribute favourably to the community.

The state of your mind and psychological health includes how you feel about yourself, how you react to the world, and the c calibre of your relationships.

It’s crucial to keep in mind that having great mental health is not just about being free of disorders like sadness or anxiety. Positive traits, including a sense of purpose, satisfaction, sustaining satisfying relationships, and fully engaging in life, are essential components of being mentally healthy.


Additional indicators of good mental health include:


  • good feelings such as hope, joy, love, compassion, contentment, and optimism.
  • creating goals, being self-assured in novel circumstances, avoiding self-blame, and having high self-esteem.


Why is good mental health crucial?

You may enjoy all the activities you wish to do if your mental health is good. It doesn’t imply that you won’t ever feel depressed or experience emotionally trying moments. But individuals who are in good mental health will be able to recover more quickly from these setbacks; this is referred to as mental resilience. Mentally resilient people have the coping mechanisms to deal with stress, trauma, and hardship.


10. stages to positive mental health

According to the evidence, there are 10 things you may do to enhance your mental well-being. By giving these things a try, you can feel more upbeat and capable of making the most of life.

There are four techniques to promote mental health and develop a more optimistic outlook.

  1. Attend to your physical requirements


Even though we’re talking about mental health, physical health and mental health are closely related. The old Roman proverb “Healthy mind, healthy body” is in many respects unquestionably correct. If your bodily demands are not met, it can be quite difficult to feel cognitively sharp. For instance, if you feel unclean or like you haven’t eaten in a while, it may be quite difficult to feel good about yourself.

2. To take good care of oneself, remember to:


  • Consume wholesome meals that are balanced in all the major dietary categories, including proteins, carbs, fruits, vegetables, and fats.
  • Enjoy a high level of personal and environmental cleanliness. This entails routinely cleaning your home and washing your clothing and yourself.
  • To prevent dehydration, consume lots of fluids, particularly water.
  • Avoid stimulants like alcohol and coffee, which can hurt your mood.
  • Avoid dangerous behaviours like excessive drinking or smoking.
  • Get adequate rest. Healthy individuals require roughly eight hours of sleep each night, per Better Health Victoria.


3. Schedule social interactions

Even the most reclusive among us find solace in the presence of like-minded others since humans are social beings. Face-to-face communication is the ideal form of engagement. Long-distance relationships may be maintained with the help of phone calls and video chats, but nothing compares to the intimacy of face-to-face interaction. You may also express fears or issues that may be weighing you down by talking with a friend or member of your immediate family.

Having healthy connections is essential for mental health because they provide a sense of identity, self-worth, and emotional support.

Do: Switch off the TV, eat lunch with coworkers, visit friends or family, volunteer at a nearby school, hospital, or community organisation, and use technology like video-chat applications like Skype and FaceTime to foster deeper and closer connections.

Don’t: Don’t only rely on technology or social media to interact with people; instead, concentrate on creating genuine connections.


4. Physical activity, exercise, and good mental health

According to a study cited by Health Direct, exercise can aid in the treatment of mental health issues. Your brain releases endorphins when you exercise, which help improve your mood and give you energy. You might feel more at peace with yourself and have better sleep by engaging in regular exercise. And don’t assume you must run long distances or lift heavy weights at the gym. Even a little stroll or pulling weeds in the garden will increase your heart rate and give you a decent workout.


Being active is beneficial for more than just your physical fitness and health. There is evidence that it can also enhance your mental wellbeing by:


5. Enhancing your sense of self


  • assisting you in setting and achieving tasks or goals by altering the chemicals in your brain that can improve your mood.
  • To assist you in becoming more fit and well, read about exercise recommendations and workouts.
  • To begin moving and increase your fitness, learn about aerobic workouts like running.
  • Read about stretching and strengthening exercises to strengthen muscles, enhance balance, and alleviate joint discomfort.
  • Read these exercise tips for wheelchair users if you use one.

Don’t: Do not feel as though you must spend all day at the gym. Choose activities you like doing and make them a part of your life.


6. Use uplifting language to improve your mental health

There is a link between using positive language and having good mental health. It’s easy to fall into negative self-talk when you’re not feeling well. then it establishes a pattern. Until you intentionally pay attention to what your “inner voice” is saying to you, you may not even be aware that it exists. Here are some strategies for reducing negative self-talk and increasing positive self-talk:

7. Self-talks

  • Recognise your negative ideas, how frequently you experience them, and be conscious of them. You might be shocked by how frequently you start telling yourself bad things once you become conscious!
  • Stop and question the idea. Negative self-talk is frequently unfounded, such as when someone says, “Everyone thinks I’m stupid.”
  • That’s not the case; we’re very confident of that! Does your method of thinking have any supporting facts?
  • Make an effort to counteract each negative idea with a good one.
  • Think about how you would perceive the same circumstance if you had a positive outlook.
  • Consider if the negative idea is assisting you in reaching your objectives.
  • Think about what you would say to a friend or relative who was experiencing the same thing. Can you use those phrases to describe yourself?
  • List all of your best qualities and qualities that you enjoy about yourself, either in writing or just in your mind.
  • Make sure you acknowledge your success whenever you catch yourself using gentle or constructive self-talk.


8. Learn new skills

By increasing self-confidence, elevating self-esteem, creating a sense of purpose, and strengthening social connections, learning new skills can enhance mental wellness. Regardless of time constraints or lack thereof, there are several methods to incorporate learning into your daily life. Cooking, taking on more tasks at work, working on DIY projects, enrolling in classes at a nearby institution, or trying out new challenging hobbies are a few suggestions. Finding things that fascinate you and incorporating them into your life is more essential than acquiring new credentials or passing examinations. You may achieve a more satisfying existence and a greater grasp of your capabilities by doing this.


9. Give to others

According to research, compassion and altruism might help you feel better mentally by providing you with a sense of purpose and self-worth, generating happy sentiments and a sense of satisfaction, and facilitating social interaction.


It could take the form of little acts of generosity towards others or bigger deeds like community service.

You might attempt the following, as examples:

expressing gratitude to others for acts of kindness; asking friends, family, or coworkers how they are; paying attention to what they have to say; spending time with loved ones who need support or company; providing assistance to a friend or acquaintance with a DIY project or at work; and volunteering in your neighbourhood at a school or hospital.


10. Pay attention to present moments (Mindfulness)

Concentrate on the here and now (mindfulness). Your mental health may increase if you focus more on the here and now. This encompasses your body, your thoughts and feelings, as well as the environment.

This awareness is sometimes referred to as “mindfulness”. You may have more fun in life and learn more about yourself by practising mindfulness. It may alter your perspective on life and how you respond to difficulties for the better. Learn more about mindfulness, including the actions you can take to practise it more often.


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