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Gujarat’s First Greenfield International Airport: A Leap Towards Sustainable Aviation

by | Jul 31, 2023 | Current News | 0 comments

The sun rose over the horizon, casting its golden rays on the vast expanse of the Hirasar Greenfield Airport, Gujarat’s first Greenfield International Airport. The anticipation and excitement in the air were palpable as the nation awaited the momentous inauguration of this modern marvel by none other than the visionary leader, Prime Minister Narendra Modi.


Spread across a sprawling 2500 acres and developed at a cost of ₹1,405 crore, the Hirasar Greenfield Airport was not just an infrastructure project; it was a testament to India’s commitment towards sustainable aviation. As the world grappled with environmental challenges, this airport emerged as a beacon of hope, showcasing a harmonious blend of technological prowess and eco-consciousness.


Inauguration Day: A Celebration of Progress


The day had finally arrived when India would proudly welcome its newest addition to its aviation infrastructure. The Prime Minister’s entourage descended upon the airport, and the sight was awe-inspiring. The 3040-meter-long runway stood strong, ready to embrace aircraft from across the globe. The terminal building, designed by GRIHA-4 rules, exemplified modern architecture while respecting the environment.


As the inaugural ceremony commenced, the stage was set to showcase the airport’s salient features and its significance in India’s journey towards becoming a global aviation hub.


Embracing Sustainability in Aviation


In his address, Prime Minister Modi underlined the government’s unwavering commitment to sustainable development. The Hirasar Greenfield Airport was a symbol of this commitment, meticulously designed to minimize its ecological footprint. The runway, capable of handling 14 planes simultaneously, was engineered with cutting-edge materials to ensure fuel efficiency and reduce emissions.


One of the airport’s standout features was its integration of renewable energy sources. Solar panels adorned the rooftops, harnessing the power of the sun to generate electricity. A state-of-the-art rainwater harvesting system conserved water resources, while a lush green belt surrounding the airport acted as a natural air purifier. It was a heartening sight to witness modern aviation blending seamlessly with the environment.


Preserving Cultural Heritage


The architecture of the airport terminal was a sight to behold. Inspired by the vibrant culture of Rajkot, it adorned art forms from Lippan art to Dandiya dance on its dynamic external façade and splendid interiors. The terminal celebrated the rich heritage of the Kathiawar region, reflecting its cultural glory through its design and décor.


“The Hirasar Greenfield Airport is not just an engineering marvel; it is an ode to the cultural vibrancy of Gujarat,” remarked the Prime Minister during his speech.


Boosting Regional Economy


The strategic location of the airport on the Rajkot-Ahmedabad highway was a strategic move to enhance regional connectivity and streamline logistics for various industries. It was poised to become a catalyst for economic growth, especially for Rajkot’s burgeoning automobile industry. The airport’s accessibility would attract trade, tourism, and investments, propelling Gujarat’s growth trajectory to new heights.


The inauguration was not only about infrastructure; it was a celebration of the government’s commitment to uplifting local communities. Job opportunities burgeoned, and education and industrial sectors were expected to witness a surge, as the airport served as a gateway for global connections.


The Genesis of the Hirasar Greenfield Airport


The story of the Hirasar Greenfield Airport began in October 2017 when Prime Minister Modi laid the foundation stone in Gujarat’s Chotila. The airport’s conception was the result of a visionary Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) signed between the Airports Authority of India (AAI) and the Civil Aviation Department of the Government of Gujarat.


The project exemplified the synergy between central and state governments, working together towards a common goal of sustainable development and progress. The dedication and hard work of countless individuals, from engineers to construction workers, were instrumental in transforming the dream into a reality.


The Road Ahead: India Soars High


As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting hues of orange and pink across the sky, the Hirasar Greenfield Airport stood proud, ready to take flight. It represented a paradigm shift in India’s aviation sector, signifying the nation’s leap towards a greener and more sustainable future.


Prime Minister Modi’s vision for a New India resonated with each brick laid and each panel installed at the airport. It was not just about infrastructure but about building a nation that balanced growth and preservation, cherished its cultural heritage, and that took strides towards a greener and cleaner tomorrow.


The Hirasar Greenfield Airport was not just an inauguration; it was an invitation to the world. It beckoned travellers from every corner of the globe to experience the warmth of Gujarat’s hospitality, the richness of its culture, and the promise of progress.


As the inaugural event concluded, the nation looked to the skies with hope and determination. The Hirasar Greenfield Airport was more than an airport; it was a symbol of India’s aspirations and its resolve to soar high on the wings of sustainable development.

Empowering Local Communities: A Catalyst for Socio-Economic Growth


As the Hirasar Greenfield Airport prepared to serve as a gateway to the world, its impact on the local communities surrounding it was significant. The airport’s development spurred the growth of supporting industries and services, creating a ripple effect on the socio-economic landscape.


Local businesses, such as hotels, restaurants, and transport services, were poised to witness increased demand due to the influx of travellers. This boost in tourism and commercial activities would generate employment opportunities for the local workforce, alleviating unemployment and enhancing the standard of living in the region.


Moreover, the airport’s construction and ongoing operations generated a demand for skilled and unskilled labour, offering job prospects to a diverse range of individuals. The government’s commitment to skill development and vocational training programs ensured that the local population was equipped with the necessary expertise to seize these opportunities.


Fostering Innovation and Research


The Hirasar Greenfield Airport was not merely a structure made of concrete and steel; it was a symbol of India’s pursuit of innovation and excellence. The integration of sustainable technologies, such as solar power systems and rainwater harvesting, served as a living laboratory for studying and refining eco-friendly practices in the aviation sector.


Academic institutions and research organizations were encouraged to collaborate with the airport authorities to explore cutting-edge solutions in aviation technology and sustainability. This collaborative spirit was set to foster an environment where ideas thrived, and innovative solutions were born.


*Enhancing Connectivity and Regional Development*


The strategic location of the airport on the Rajkot-Ahmedabad highway played a pivotal role in enhancing regional connectivity. It not only improved access to Rajkot but also facilitated seamless travel to other parts of Gujarat and neighbouring states. This increased connectivity opened up new trade routes and expanded business opportunities, which would bolster economic growth in the region.


Furthermore, the airport’s well-connected infrastructure acted as a catalyst for regional development. It attracted investors, both domestic and international, to explore opportunities in setting up industries, trade, and services, thereby transforming the region into a vibrant economic hub.


Promoting Sustainable Tourism


Beyond its economic significance, the Hirasar Greenfield Airport held the potential to promote sustainable tourism in the state of Gujarat. With its eco-friendly features, the airport catered to a growing segment of conscious travellers who sought destinations that embraced responsible and environmentally friendly practices.


Gujarat, with its rich cultural heritage, diverse landscapes, and vibrant festivals, was well-poised to capitalize on sustainable tourism. The airport served as the perfect gateway for travellers from around the world to explore the wonders of Gujarat while leaving a positive impact on the environment and local communities.


Collaboration with International Partners


The inauguration of the Hirasar Greenfield Airport marked the beginning of a new era of international collaboration in the aviation sector. The airport authorities, in collaboration with the Ministry of Civil Aviation, sought to foster partnerships with other nations and international aviation bodies to exchange best practices, technology, and expertise.


By learning from the experiences of established international airports, the Hirasar Greenfield Airport aimed to continuously improve its operations and services. Additionally, such collaborations facilitated cultural exchanges and diplomatic engagements, fostering goodwill and strengthening India’s position in the global aviation arena.


A Green Oasis in the Skies


As the inauguration ceremony reached its crescendo, a sense of pride and optimism filled the air. The Hirasar Greenfield Airport stood tall, symbolizing the confluence of human ingenuity and ecological consciousness. It was a testament to India’s determination to chart a sustainable path to progress and prosperity.


The airport’s dedication to sustainability, cultural heritage, and community empowerment made it a beacon of hope not only for Gujarat but for the entire nation. As travellers from distant lands would soon step onto its runways, they would experience the warmth of Gujarat’s hospitality, witness its rich cultural tapestry, and appreciate the nation’s unwavering commitment to preserving the environment.


The Hirasar Greenfield Airport was more than a gateway to Gujarat; it was an emblem of India’s aspirations to create a greener and more inclusive world. It stood as a green oasis in the skies, inviting all to join in the journey towards a brighter, cleaner, and sustainable future.


In the annals of India’s aviation history, the Hirasar Greenfield Airport’s inauguration would be etched as a defining moment – a moment when a nation dared to dream and build an airport that not only connected people but also connected hearts and ideals.


As the inauguration event came to a close, the Prime Minister’s words resonated in the hearts of those present: “The Hirasar Greenfield Airport is a testament to our commitment to building a New India – an India that soars high while treading gently on the planet we call home.”


And as the sun set on this historic day, the Hirasar Greenfield Airport stood ready, a guardian of the skies, welcoming travellers with open arms and a promise of a sustainable and bright future for all.



In a world that faced unprecedented environmental challenges, the Hirasar Greenfield Airport emerged as a green sojourn, a sanctuary where technology, innovation, and eco-consciousness harmoniously converged. Gujarat’s first Greenfield International Airport was not just a testament to engineering marvel, but to India’s spirit – the spirit that dared to dream, the spirit that embraced progress without compromising its heritage, and the spirit that aspired to build a sustainable and prosperous future for generations to come.


The inauguration of the airport marked a new chapter in India’s aviation history, setting an example for the world to follow. As the last light of the day kissed the runway, the Hirasar Greenfield Airport stood resolute, a beacon of hope, and a testament to the nation’s commitment to a greener, cleaner, and brighter tomorrow.

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