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Silence pertaining to loneliness constitutes an increasing risk to public health

by | Jul 20, 2023 | Lifestyle | 0 comments

There is a minister in charge of loneliness in the UK and Japan. Even though it is recognised as a public health issue in many developed nations, loneliness is hardly ever discussed in India.

Elderly people frequently experience loneliness, according to Prakash Borgaonkar of the NGO HelpAge India. In a 2022 NGO study, 86% of older respondents from Mumbai said they lived with family, while 75% of the elderly said they felt lonely and neglected. Loneliness isn’t explicitly addressed, but as Borgoankar pointed out, it is only discovered once the person begins exhibiting symptoms of depression.

An analysis of data from the Longitudinal Ageing Study in India, the nation’s first such project, was published in the peer-reviewed medical journal International Journal of Environment Research and Public Health in May 2022. The study found that 20.5% of adults in India over the age of 45 reported moderate loneliness, and 13.3% reported severe loneliness.

Dr. Rajiv Bhal, director general of the Indian Council of Medical Research, stated at a function on Saturday that the LASI conducted by the Deonar-based International Institute for Population Sciences has revealed for the first time that older people have a number of “social well-being issues” that need to be addressed.

People who work in corporate positions in metropolises typically put in longer hours and “prefer silence and closed doors.” The transition from large families to “micro-units” has also added to the problem of feeling lonely in a crowd. Many people who are exhausted or under stress desire solitude, but this isolation is actually brought on by the quick speed of globalisation, according to Dr. Shetty.

Loneliness is becoming more and more linked to issues with the heart, brain, and nervous system, including Alzheimer’s disease.

In the West, loneliness is, incidentally, seen as a more serious problem among young people. According to a study included in the US surgeon general’s report, participants who used social media for more than two hours per day had almost double the odds of reporting an increase in their experience of social isolation than those who used it for less than 30 minutes.

Young people’s loneliness is hardly ever discussed in India. A recent review study by M. Mahbub Hossain of the University of Houston and Neeta Purohit of the Indian Institute of Health Management Research, however, lists 13 studies on loneliness conducted in India, one of which dates back to 1991 and focused on loneliness in teenagers.

Another study from 2012 found that, respectively, among adolescents in urban and rural areas, self-reported loneliness prevalence rates were 17.3% and 9.5%. A 2011 study found that among the selected youngsters with an average age of 22, 60% had higher loneliness scores. The complicated psychosomatic and social dynamics among teenagers may lead to social isolation and loneliness during the transitional phase of adolescence, the paper stated.

Mechanisms for contending with loneliness

Ineffective communication

Social media, which is thought to immediately connect individuals from different countries, can also be a major factor in loneliness. Families gathered in a room scrolling on their phones, or friends out to dinner, taking photos, publishing them online, and having virtual talks instead of in-person conversations.

Emotional and Social Awareness

Emotional intelligence, or emotional quotient, is essential for maintaining pleasant social interactions and preserving relationships. It involves understanding and using emotions as well as personality. Overly reclusive individuals may lack the desire to make friends, leading to loneliness due to a lack of emotional connection opportunities.

Can Initiate Mental Illness

Prolonged mental and emotional seclusion can lead to mental health issues such as depression, realism, and a focus on negative aspects of one’s nature. This can negatively affect self-worth, confidence, and overall well-being. People may develop hostile attitudes towards social connections and narcissism over time, potentially causing a decline in self-worth and confidence. It is crucial to address these issues to maintain a healthy and balanced lifestyle.


There are several activities that are proven to be calming to the mind, including meditation, music, sunrise viewing, pet playtime, and park strolls. Make relationships and ties with people with whom you may freely discuss your deepest concerns and views. If you don’t have those people in your life, you should think about counselling early on.








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