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8 Affectionate Classical dance forms of India.

by | Aug 2, 2024 | Festival, Culture, Dance | 0 comments

Introduction to dance

Dance is an art form as old as humanity itself; it’s a performing art form characterized by rhythmic movement of body language and also the different expressions within by music. Its like an emotion and also the transition of more movement to become a powerful language that expresses our cultures. It’s a wide range of styles and purposes, including cultural expression, storytelling, religious rituals, social interaction and entertainment That’s all our public human activities. Dance has sown itself into the worldwide fabric of societies, conversation with others, everything identities, and it has also played a different role of our societies reflection and making a social norm. It’s across different cultures and historical periods.

Well ! Talking about Indian cultures and historical periods. Know What Ancient history says !

It’s a universal mode of communication that speaks without words but our body language and expressions add volume. Dance can be performed individually or with the various groups, but it has been coordinated with some sequences, many types of gestures, and various steps and movements that are meaningful and express our feelings, but it’s also without words; it just depends on the background music.

There are various types of dance from in our society like Classical, Bally, Salsa, Hip-hop and traditional folk dances. Each styles of dances can vary its own history and heritage, reflecting several decades of human experiences. Also, the rhythm and bit are the most important thing in dance, so more carefully managed all over coordination, steps, expressions and bit all those things.

Classical Dance


Types of classical dances

There are several types of classical dances all over India. And those are indicating their own countries heritage. Each dance is as glorious as the other. There are eight (eight) types of Indian classical dances in there. Those are:

  • Odissi Dance.
  • Kathak Dance.
  • Bharatanatyam Dance.
  • Kathakali Dance.
  • Kuchipudi Dance.
  • Manipuri Dance.
  • Mohiniattam Dance.
  • Satyatta Dance.


Classical Dance


Odissi Dance

The Indian classical dance form in Odisha, in eastern India, is named Odissi. It has a very beautiful and rich history of this dance from all over in Odisha, and that indicates most beautiful footwork’s, graceful movement, and also expressive gestures. These dances tell us a story. Odissi dance may vary in all those things, like body postures, positioning, and flexibility, (mudras) hand gestures express some specific meanings and emotions, facial expression that depends on the mood of the dance, footwork’s (pada-badha) it creates some rhythmic patterns, music based on the adds depth and ragas of the dance, themes is like Hindu mythologies and spiritual themes in this dance.


Classical Dance


Kathak Dance

It is the major classical dance form all over India. Kathak dance is characterized by some things like our body structures, which are our spine, footwork, expressive gestures, etc. When we do Kathak dance, at that time, our spine should always be straight, and footwork should be appropriate. This dance was created in ancient time. Kathak is situated in North India and it was started by a Muslim female person called “Tawaif”. All the dancers are wearing ankle belts in the timed of dance; it’s called “Ghungru”. And facial expression is must, as is this dance form.



Bharatanatyam Dance

This dance form is originated at the state of Tamil Nadu in South India. It’s one of the classical dances forms in India. Our facial expression is called “Abhinaya” the movements of our hand are called “Mudras”, the movements of our body are called “Nritya”, and the footwork’s included in Bharatanatyam Dance. This dance is based on Hindu mythology and it’s started by the Hindu female dancers. Bharatanatyam performance established on Carnatic music and with instruments like violin, mridangam, and flute. Every step in that dance is full of rhythm and bit of bit. In that dance, you should be wearing traditional costumes such as colourful saris, various types of jewellery, adornments and also ankle belt (Grugru).


Classical Dance


Kathakali Dance

Kathakali Dance is not only Indian classical dance form; it’s also a dance drama. That’s originated in South India, in state of Kerala. This dance form is a combination of ritual to depict stories from Hindu mythology with dance, music and drama. It is mostly known for its highly stylized movements, vibrant costumes, complex of makeup and elaborate gestures. Kathakali dance form are telling us stories like “Mahabharata”, “Ramayana”, “Shiv Durga,” and other traditional tales. Kathakali dancer’s costumes and makeup should be very dramatic and authentic, they are wearing colorful skirts and extensive jewelry, and the major thing is their headdress; they are wearing large headgear.

Their makeup is known as “Chutti” with various colors applied in their face and eyes as well. All the dancers are representing characters like god, heroes, demons and villains. All the mudras, like hand gestures, are very sophisticated; one of the mudras expresses specific dramatic meaning and storytelling. Uses some facial expression (reras) and also the body language that’s indicating communicating with other characters, most important their eye movements. The performance accompanied with traditional instruments like barrel drum called “Madalam” and dram called “Chenda,” as well as combination of human vocal voice that’s telling a traditional story.

Do you know Kathakali dance Kathakali first started in the 16th century and was originally performed only by males. The history of Kathakali Dance might surprise you.


Classical Dance


Kuchipudi Dance

Kuchipuri dance form began in Andhra Pradesh, India. It is also a combination of dance, drama, theatrical forms and music. These dance form’s theme come from Hindu mythologies. Those key aspects are essential for kuchipuri, including rhythm and music, the performance based on classical Karnataka music. dancers are wearing vibrant and traditional costumes and traditional makeup. There are so many features of expressive movements, like hand gestures (Mudras), facial expression (Abhinaya) and body movement. And creating a narrative story with the help of these aspects.


Classical Dance


Manipuri Dance

Manipuri dance form originated in the state of Manipur at North-eastern India. It known for its elaborate costumes, footwork, and highly stylised and graceful movement. This dance form’s costumes are: female dancer’s can wear vibrant and traditional wraparound of skirt that’s called “Phanek” and a decorated blouse that’s called “Rani-Pheji”, and male dancers can wear a “Dhoti” or a similar type of costume, but all of those are made from silk. Female dancers wear a headdress made with flower and jewels, and males wear a turban or headgear.

Manipuri dance techniques do not fall under proper classical dance; it do not have sharp movement like other classical forms. All movements have to be very soft; angular movements have there that’s continuing circular motion like as a flowering movement. There’s footwork known as “Rasa,” and hand gestures like “Mudra” express emotions. Manipuri dance can take place in open-air space or a temple for performances, adding the cultural ambience that should be ritualistic. For this dance performance, music was played there using some traditional instruments and types of drums, like “Pung” “Harmonium” and “Dholak”.


Classical Dance


Mohiniattam Dance

Mohiniattam dance form started from Kerala, India. And also, it started by the woman dancers. That’s dance known for its graceful and expressive movement. Traditional cream-colored sarees with golden borders should be finely draped; those types of costumes are worn by Mohiniattam female dancers. And ornaments should be golden-colored colour neckless, earrings, and anklets; also, wear a traditional headdress. Body movement are very stylized and expressive with “Mudra” and “Abhinaya” and also have rhythmic pattern of footwork. (Dram) “Mridangam”, (a string instrument) “Veena”, “Violin”—those i instruments are using to accompany the song for this dance performance. Mohiniattam dance theme also indicate some common stories of “Lord Krishna” and other goddesses.


Classical Dance


Satyatta Dance

Satyatta dance form is not widely recognized as a classical dance form, but it is also a combination or the same way of Bharatanatyam and Kathak dance. That’s why it’s supposed to be in classical form. But there is some possibility that this dance form might have different types of styles.

Each classical dance form can represent the rich cultural heritage of its own place. Each dance form has a unique story behind its creation.

Ancient India through the eyes of foreign travelers

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