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5 Natural Ways to Reduce Blood Pressure for a Healthy Body and a Healthy Mind

by | Jul 22, 2023 | Lifestyle | 0 comments

The maintenance of a healthy blood pressure is crucial to us for our overall well-being both physically and mentally. It is more required to do so in our modern daily life given that is so full of stress that can easily lead someone to depression. High pressure of blood, also referred to as high bp, is a condition in which the blood exerts immense pressure on the walls of the arteries of the heart by rising to an alarming level in them. This can easily lead to the corrosion of the walls of the arteries and can exert a destructive impact on the heart as well as other vital organs such as the brain, liver and kidneys. This condition is referred to as ‘hypertension’. This remains one of the biggest causes of death all over the world by heart attacks and brain strokes. It is advisable to treat this condition as soon as it is detected to restrain further implications of the blood pressure. While medication for the treatment of blood pressure is not affordable for many, luckily, there are many ways by which this condition can be reduced naturally and to some extent even cured if followed meticulously.

The Too Much Pressure of Blood

We tend to get tired of the daily pressure that we face in our day-to-day life, be it at the workplace or home, be it at the public level or the personal level. Just imagine that if we tend to get stressed out and tired with the pressure then, what happens to our bodies, when they face an additional pressure of blood on top of the various other pressures that they face to ensure a smooth function of the body? This additional pressure that is exerted by the blood on the body is called ‘hypertension’. This condition affects the other vital organs of our body thereby reducing our longevity. There are various ways in, which we can manage this lethal disease and one of the effective ways is to go totally medication free and rely on natural remedies that would help us live a healthier life. However, this is not just a cup of tea and requires an extreme change in our habits and lifestyle that could be a tough challenge for us to adapt ourselves.

The 5 Natural Ways to Control the High Blood Pressure

1. Reduce The Extra Flab To Look Fab And Healthy: The inclusion of physical activity in our day to day to day life has been proven to be so far the best way to prevent all types of diseases, not just hypertension. Engaging in proper physical activity has significantly reduced the high pressure of the blood by improving the health of the heart. The ejection of the hormone called serotonin has been proven to be beneficial for mental health as well as significantly acts as a stress buster and even improves mood and the power of concentration. It is advisable to engage in thirty minutes of workout daily to get rid of the extra fat in the body, especially, in the abdominal region. The more fat particles are present in the body, the more difficult it becomes for the blood to navigate through the arteries, thereby exerting too much pressure on the walls of the arteries. This leads to heart attacks and brain strokes. Exercise strengthens the arteries allowing them to pump more blood efficiently and reduce the pressure of the blood. Therefore, regular work out not only helps us to reduce the extra flab and look fab but also to maintain an ideal weight and live a healthy and happy life.


2. Do Not Take It with ‘A Pinch of Salt’: Though sodium which is commonly known as the salt that we take in with our food to enhance its test, is a significant item in the kitchen, yet can prove to be detrimental to our well-being if not taken judiciously. High levels of sodium can elevate our levels of blood pressure and increase the risks of getting chubby as well as other health-related risks. It is advisable to go zero on the consumption of salt. If going totally zero on salt is impossible then one must strive to reduce their intake by 2300 milligrams or just one tablespoon of salt per day. While choosing food items, one must ensure that the labels show low sodium content and spices and herbs are to be used to enhance the flavour while cooking rather than adding salt to the preparation of food. Your preparation may look bland but the health effects that you will have are everlasting.


3. Reduction of Alcohol Consumption and Quitting Smoking: It is no new news that consumption of alcohol and smoking is the worst any human being can do to reduce his longevity and create serious health risks for him. Alcohol has the potential to raise blood pressure and cause heart attacks as well as the potential to damage the liver completely. Smoking on the other hand not just damages the lungs completely but also creates plaque in the blood vessels thereby leading to hypertension and killing the person with a brain stroke or a heart attack. Even if someone can’t go cold turkey on these two things, it is advised by doctors and other experts in health and fitness to reduce alcohol drinking to 1 pint per day for women and 2 pints per day for men. Those, who smoke are advised to cut down on their number of cigarettes to just one pack per week.


4. Getting Adequate Rest and Sleep: It is time for a siesta now. One must ensure to get at most eight hours of sleep per day to reduce the ill effects of an elevated level of blood pressure. Paying attention to the old concept of ‘Early to bed and early to rise makes a person healthy, wealthy and wise’ is something one must never forget. Getting adequate rest and sleep helps the organs of the body to work effectively and provide energy to carry on with daily tasks energetically.


5. Eat Healthy Food Items: Obviously, the diet of a person has been playing a significant role in maintaining the physical as well as the mental health of a person. Proper intake of food helps to reduce and prevent various diseases and not just high blood pressure. Eating a diet full of green vegetables, protein and healthy fat can lower our blood pressure and keep us healthy as well as satiated from the inside. It is recommended to either completely stop or limit the eating of fast food and processed food that has always provided us with momentary pleasure by leaving a long-term adverse impact on our health. We must not forget the old concept ‘You become, what you eat’.

Thus, what we can understand from this is that a few changes in lifestyle and daily habits are sufficient to get us rid of elevated blood pressure as well as reduce the chances of falling prey to other lethal diseases at the same time too.


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